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Dec 11, 2013
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I was wondering what kind of hay does everyone use? I see hale bales listed on CL for sale. Is alfalfa good or does it really matter just so it is hay. Thanks for your thoughts.

We use Coastal hay (horse quality) and or timothy depending on what's available. We have used alfalfa in the past when we lived in CA as that was what was easiest to get where we lived.
I'm using Orchard Grass hay at the moment and the rabbits like it. Before that it was a Timothy/Orchard mix. A lot depends upon what I can find available locally when I'm needing some. I purchase square bales from local farmers and try to time my purchases to hay making seasons. Hopefully, my recent purchase will last until spring.
The main ingredient in rabbit pellets is alfalfa, because it is high in protein, however it is low in fibre, usually wheat middlings are added to increase the roughage in the feed, so if your rabbits are on pellets then a grass hay like orchard or timothy is best to aid in digestion.

If your rabbits are just pets then I definitely don't recommend alfalfa as it is too nutrient dense and can cause issues later in life like bladder stones and kidney disease.
I have meat rabbits and they are on pellets. I would like to supplement them with hay if it is good for them. Thanks<br /><br />__________ Tue Dec 17, 2013 5:39 pm __________<br /><br />what about grass. I see bales around here have alfalfa and grass mix. Is this something that would be good for them?
If they are outdoors in winter, still growing, or being used for breeding a legume hay is a good idea. We use organic 20% protein mostly clover with some alfalfa. If you have adult pets kept indoors or during summer a grass or early cut grain hay is the suggested which is 10-14% protein depending on various factors. Hay should be cut early enough and stored out of light and rain so it is soft and green not overly stemmy or turning brown.
In the winter my rabbits are mainly on pellets and get as much horse hay as they want with a bit of homemade legume hay each day.

A 50/50 mix would be perfect for your rabbits.

Legumes and alfalfa have smaller leaves and stalks in the hay and is more likely to be lost through the wire, this is why I prefer to give them a long cut grass or Timothy hay, as it is less likely to slip through the floor wire.