I was thinking about hay and found this post. But I was wondering about the different types of hay. Such as, what type is best for buns? I know that each has their own taste performance, but that aside. How much is a typical square bale in your area? I'm also checking the local ads for it. But want to make sure that I get the right stuff.
I have fostered wild rabbits in the past and they just LOVE clover. AND I mean LOVE it.
These little ones came from the Western Reception, Diagnostic and Correctional Center (St. Joe prison). Mother was used as a football. Some of the prisoners stepped in and saved these 4. Guys that killed the mother got time in the hole. The one that started it got stabbed by someone. :shrug:
We have a huge clover patch in the side pasture from Spring till early Fall. Provided it is cleaned and is pesticide free, would that be OK for my adult buns?