hay stuck in the nose and white discharge

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Tiny Buns

Well-known member
Aug 9, 2015
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So my big black holland buck angus had a strand of hay stuck up his nostril. Not sure for how long.....maybe a day, half a day. We are in and out all the time and pretty much see everyone 6+ times a day so I'm not sure how I missed that.

Anyway....we pulled the hay out but noticed there is a white discharge in that nostril. Of course we are snuffles-paranoid and terrified of the thought of it.

I'm assuming that he has a bit of an irritation manifesting as a discharge but hoping it's not snuffles. How long does it take for snuffles to incubate and get serious?
I've seen this one talked about before.
A few people have had rabbits with lodged hay get better once it's removed and never have snot again.
It might be some pathogen other than pasteurella causing it.

If it was mine, I'd probably clear his nostrils and quarantine.

If he's better in 30 days, I'd still quarantine for another 30 to calm any lingering paranoia...
We immediately quarantined him. It's so stressful :p

Thanks for the advice. Err on the side of caution.
Heck yeah paranoia is good! I quarantined a rabbit for a bloody nose not long ago lol. Once the ladies here assured me he didn't have a horrible disease, he got out of jail :lol:
So we noticed last night. Pulled the hay out. Wiped as much as we could. Quarantined him. This morning everything is clear.