Has someone had a rabbit that recovered from myxomatosis?

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Well-known member
Mar 15, 2021
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I have a pet outdoor bunny that catched myxomatosis in october despite being vaccinated.
Vet said that because of it there are chances for survival but if she recovers she'd never be fully healthy and she'll be weaker than she used to.
Currently, after many visits at vet's, antibiotic and anti inflammatory injections all the symptoms of myxo has vanished (a one/2 months ago they did vanish) and she put on weigh and started being active again. However her eyes still produce some discharge. I started washing them with medical saline but she totally lost trust to me because i had to get her out the cage so she wouldn't run away and isn't as active and friendly now. And seem's like her one nostril is getting blocked again. It's not as bad as it used to be (her eyes/eyelids had inflammation and you could see puss accumulating with naked eye. now i only know because of dirty fur near eyes).
Has anyones rabbit recovered from myxo? If so, did he/she came back to full health? I'd like to read about it.
Maybe give her a treat after getting her treatment. For goopy eyes I've used neosporn (ointment) wiped them every day until clear