Harvesting fur

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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2012
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Forgive me if this is a stupid question, as I'm quite new to rabbits and am breeding a few meat rabbits for the homestead and haven't ever butchered one but I hate the thought of wasting any part of the rabbit so am looking into what I can do with the hides.

Can you "shave" the pelt and keep the fur off the fryers and store it for use in winter nesting boxes in case the doe doesn't pull much fur and so when you clean the nest box, you can replace it with clean fur?
Um, I don't know. I'm not sure if the smell of the other does fur would turn the momma doe off or not but I wouldn't think so. I do know that you can take that fur and make felt with it though.
You can do that or you can tan the hides. Check the related posts, you want WOW! The fur fell right off!
Having raised three boys to adulthood, I'm familiar with the term, "I'll tan your hide but good!" but I have to learn what that actually means!

I understand that tanning hides is better with rabbits over a year old so the leather is thicker and wont tear easily and we'll likely send ours to freezer camp at around 10 - 12 weeks, but thought maybe saving the hair at least would help me with my attempt to waste not, want not. Thanks for the feedback. I'll check out the post on the fur falling off. Maybe it could be descented somehow and used for nice litter liner.
You can tan the hides of the young rabbits to use for smaller projects, like mittens and hats. Or other crafts. You could quilt them on to a firm fabric to make a blanket but it wont work if each square isn't actually sewn to the backing firmly. Thats because the hide is so thin at that age. With some creativity you can find lots of uses for the hides of your young fryers. :)
I just air dry the hides after defleshing. They make good beds for kits and the mother don't mind.
I've used fur for other nests does aren't put off by it, sometimes they pluck the fur from their neighbors. Or if the are bothered, put vanilla on their nose, and by the time it wears off the fur will smell like them.
very hot water makes the fur fall off the skin. Hair will rise to the top of the water and you can skim it onto some cheese cloth to dry.

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