Guinea Pig pellets

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Well-known member
Jul 28, 2012
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So I got an awesome deal on a cage today ($10 for a 40"x18") that had previously been inhabited by a guinea pig. When we got there, the woman said "here, you can have all this stuff left over, too". Timothy hay, cedar chip bedding, a few "rabbit,gerbil,gp" treats, toys - and a 2, maybe 3 quart Tupperware dish of pellets. I was not aware until we left that they were for a guinea pig (my renter had answered the CL ad), so I am wondering: if I mix them in thoroughly to a larger quantity of my Manna Pro pellets, will that be ok for my rabbits? I know it has Vitamin C, which rabbits don't need, but C is water soluble, and if humans take in too much, it just gets excreted - same for rabbits? I just hate to waste the pellets.
i believe it is same for rabbits. hope someone who knows for sure can answer though. great find!
I know a few guys that feed guinea pig pellets to the rabbits. They claim its cheaper, same or more protein, and more vitamins than rabbit feed. They don't have any issues, and it sounds like you would be mixing it more rabbit pellets than pig pellets, so you will be alright. Just watch for bowel changes, as it is a different feed.
I'd mix it in. generally rabbit pellets are cheaper than guinea pig pellets. if the pellets are older they may have lost some of their nutritional value, but they won't hurt your rabbits (provided they look to be in decent shape yet).
Thanks all! They looked identical to my Manna Pro, and didn't smell stale or "off". I'll mix it in, but only feed the "extra" males I still have with it, so it's not as big a deal if they get tummy upsets.