guessing the color genetics of my rabbits

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Well-known member
Aug 20, 2021
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I'm JUST getting into rabbit genetics and very infantile in my understanding, but I'm wondering if there is a way to guess what color my rabbits' parents were. The litter they came from had 2 blacks, 1 orange, 2 broken chestnuts, 1 black torte (I think), and a solid chestnut. I have the solid orange doe and a broken chestnut doe. The broken chestnut doe, when accidentally bred with her black self brother/littermate (kids let him out before he was neutered) had a broken tri (blue, orange, white--I think, he is pictured below with his broken orange sister), a broken orange, 2 REWs and a solid chestnut. The orange doe usually throws orange, black self, chestnut and black torte. I'm breeding the mamas with a seal (dame was heavy blue and sire was black magpie) and just want to look into what possible colors they will throw with him.
NOT wanting someone to do any research or work for me, but if there is an easy answer, I'd appreciate it!


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I am by no means an expert, especially with colors in other breeds because what is orange in one breed is another color in a different even if they're the same genetic coding.
@SableSteel may be better able to answer.

But I do know that bringing seal and magpie are going to give you a hole haywire of colors. The harlequin gene is typically only used in a harlequin program, and will 'muddy' the waters for future litters. Also, I don't believe it's good to use against the Agouti (A) gene, which is in your Chestnut (A_B_C_D_E_). Black is (aaB_C_D_E_). I don't know what Orange is for lops, maybe fawn.
But I do know that bringing seal and magpie are going to give you a hole haywire of colors. The harlequin gene is typically only used in a harlequin program, and will 'muddy' the waters for future litters.
Thank you for your response! I believe orange is A_B_C_D_ee. I haven't been able to find much on the seal or magpie gene. Are they the same?
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Magpie, from my limited understanding is both the ej gene and a chd gene. So you're introducing ej on the E locus, and Chinchilla on the C gene.
Magpie A_B_cchd_D_ej_ Black stripes on white (cchd strips yellow pigmentation making orange into white)

If you bred Magpie to a Chesnut you would get Japanese Harlequin coloring (orange and black)
Japanese harlequin A_B_C_D_ej_ Black stripes on orange

I believe Seal is aaB_cchl_D_E_ but I think in some breeds thats considered Sable.
I'm starting to think my tri color rabbit was actually a broken blue tort. Which would mean either his mom or dad carries the dilute gene, is that right? Or do both parents have to carry dilute for it to show up in offspring?
That baby is a broken black tort. For a dilute rabbit, both parents would have to carry dilute but that rabbit is not dilute.
What is a black tort in genetics-speak? sorry I have trouble in with this because we have a lot of names for colors that are not consistent across breeds so I get totally confused. Is a black tort like a chestnut or an agouti? or is it something else? that rabbit looks pointed like a sable?...

Wait! I googled and I figured it out. Here is a cool link: I found that a tort is a wideband color, so "ee". That is so cool!
What is a black tort in genetics-speak? sorry I have trouble in with this because we have a lot of names for colors that are not consistent across breeds so I get totally confused. Is a black tort like a chestnut or an agouti? or is it something else? that rabbit looks pointed like a sable?...

Wait! I googled and I figured it out. Here is a cool link: I found that a tort is a wideband color, so "ee". That is so cool!

I like the genetic info on minkhollow's website! They have a good way of putting genetics into a chart and explaining it, at least for me to understand it!
What is a black tort in genetics-speak? sorry I have trouble in with this because we have a lot of names for colors that are not consistent across breeds so I get totally confused. Is a black tort like a chestnut or an agouti? or is it something else? that rabbit looks pointed like a sable?...

Wait! I googled and I figured it out. Here is a cool link: I found that a tort is a wideband color, so "ee". That is so cool!
Tort is a non-extension <ee> but that is not necessarily connected to wideband <w> You find both genes in reds but they're not necessarily linked.
Tort is a self, not an agouti. So a black tort is <aa B_ C_ D_ ee> It is basically a black rabbit with most of the black pigment being suppressed, so the yellow pigment that is usually covered up by black shows. The effect is less on shorter hair, though, so in those places the black can appear (nose, ears, feeet, tail). A tort may or may not have <w>
A red is <A_ ? _ C_ D_ ee ww> Red is agouti but the non-extension <ee> keeps the black from being expressed (at least mostly). The <ww> intensifies the color, as do rufus modifiers.
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