Gorgeous Lionhead, wrong color though

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Lindsay Krawsczyn

Rabbit Breeder
May 2, 2024
Reaction score
Meigs County, OH
So, I’ve got doe who pretty thoroughly matches up with the Lionhead breed standard. And she’s just gorgeous really, good temperament and everything. But, problem is her father was a BEW, which means she’s a partial veinna which I’m pretty sure is disqualifying. She’s got Dutch sort of markings, and one blue eye. Otherwise she’s a self blue. Just wondering if anyone has advice on what to do about this? I don’t show in big ARBA shows or anything, just local fair stuff. I’m thinking either taking her anyways, just giving it a shot really, or trying to breed her to a nice buck and get either a self blue or self black out of her that doesn’t have veinna.
Can't do much show wise
Either get a different non-VM, bred her to a BEW or another VM to get more BEWs, or to a non-VM to try and get more non-VMs
Can't do much show wise
Either get a different non-VM, bred her to a BEW or another VM to get more BEWs, or to a non-VM to try and get more non-VMs
Yeah, that’s the plan so far. Gonna try and get either a self black or self blue buck as I’m not sure how allowed BEWs are in showing but I do know those two are allowed. I miiiight end up taking her to show at my county fair this year just for fun really, plus I have to do showing along with my two breed rabbits and my market rabbits and my two breed bucks are a bit iffy about being flipped over, but she’s completely chill with it. Plus, I took her brother before I knew the VM was disqualifying and people at the fair really liked seeing him even if he didn’t do much of anything in breed.