Good rabbit breeders in KY?

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Active member
Oct 23, 2012
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Does anyone know of any good rabbit breeders in Kentucky? I was originally thinking of breeding netherland dwarfs but after reading about how hard they are to breed and how they are not good for beginners I am starting to reconsider. I have looked at several websites but can't find any good breeders of rabbits in general around here.
If by BYB You mean 'back yard breeders'....Most rabbit breeders Are BYBs. They have a few in their yard or garage, or other outbuilding. Some of the best breeders in various breeds could be considered BYBs.

Now if the hutches are junky, dirty and stinky... don't spend You hard earned money there. There is no reason that a back yard set-up cannot be clean and fairly tidy looking, and have decent rabbits.

( and i really have not heard of too many breeders in KY...don't know why......)
I meant with gross cages and the cages are way overcrowded. The "breeder" I went to earlier this year had all their rabbits in one hutch and had several loose running around the yard. Kept all the babies in one small plastic dog carrier in the backyard.
I have a friend in Kentucky of tymin rabbitry. He breeds amazing quality mini satins (bis winners) and jersey woolies.
Unfortunately CL is where I've had to get mine too. Fortunately I have been lucky for the most part.
LindseysWoolies":sc03v7qy said:
I have a friend in Kentucky of tymin rabbitry. He breeds amazing quality mini satins (bis winners) and jersey woolies.

I really like the mini satins! I saved his website so hopefully by the end of this year I can get a few!