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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2012
Reaction score
coastal southeast North Carolina
Sooo...the goldenrod is starting to bloom here and I thought "oh, great, I get the bunnies would love that and I recall it on the "safe" list." So, I collect some and pass it around the rabbitry.

Now, as I review the list, it says "goldenrod LEAVES". Well, OMG, even. So, if they eat the flowers...will they die?
It all depends on what kind of goldenrod it is. I've looked up two varieties, and one has no known toxicity, while another can be fatal if an animal eats a relatively small amount every day for a week or so. :(

One feeding? I'd imagine that would be okay. But you really need a positive ID before feeding it again.
seriously??? Goldenrod flowers can be toxic???

oh my... I feed goldenrod regularly... mind... I tend to do that before it flowers as around here the bees and bugs LOVE goldenrod flowers and it's not worth it to me to fight them...
I just did a quick search and clicked on two types of goldenrod. I have no idea whether the flowers were the toxic part on the one plant... it didn't say.

If you feed your goldenrod regularly, I'd imagine it's a safe one. The way wildly different plants can have the same nickname, the toxic one may not be even remotely related to the one you feed.
I've seen conflicting reports on goldenrod and I don't use it myself...but there is certainly a lot of it here and I would love to be able to use it if I could be sure it is safe.

You will notice it is NOT included in my Safe Plants list.

I have experimented a bit with goldenrod in the past, but the rabbits did not like it and since a plant must be palatable as well as safe, I did not pursue it. I suspect they may accept young plants but not more mature ones.

More research is definitely needed, and when we do this we MUST identify which goldenrods we are talking about if we want to keep our rabbits safe.
I believe the type I have is Solidago canadensis but there are other types that look similar so...

It seems that the leaves and flowers were enjoyed by the grow-out kits while the adults all said "thanks but no thanks" after a few nibbles.

Clearly, I need to print out a list of safe plants, laminate it, and glue it to the collection bucket. I can not trust myself to remember what is safe or not from memory.
My rabbits only like young goldenrod (Solidago canadiensis) plants and won't eat the old tougher ones.

However, if I repeatedly trim the golden rod shoots starting in the spring my buns will still eat the fall batches that haven't been allowed to flower

Medicinal uses

Some sources say it is high in nitrates, which is likely why my horses won't touch it.
I have a rabbit binder which includes 10 different sections. Safe things to eat, what i've sold, how much the food has cost me, profit, care sheets for the furture buyers, etc.
OwnedByTheBuns":c15pigdg said:
I have a rabbit binder which includes 10 different sections. Safe things to eat, what i've sold, how much the food has cost me, profit, care sheets for the furture buyers, etc.

That's cool. My problem would still be...the binder would not be with me out in the field collecting goodies...I need a laminated sheet attached to my collection bucket so I don't have blonde moments and collect the wrong stuff for the buns. :x :p

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