Ginger root, ACV, sugar cane...

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Well-known member
Feb 18, 2013
Reaction score
Big Island of Hawaii
What else can I add to my rabbits diet?

I was just searching the RT forums and picked up to Braggs ACV today. Plus Ginger grows like weeds here, as does sugar cane. My rabbits like the green part of the sugar cane but not so much the cane part. I've been grinding up the cane for the chickens so it's a win win.

Can anyone think of other easy to grow herbs/suppliments that will help them be healthier and breed easier?
Bannana leaves, from what I hear anyway. I planted some at our last house but it hadn't gotten big enough to feed before we moved.

Canna lilies are another one, I feed lots of it to my guinea pigs as they are closer than the rabbits to the patch of it but I read it was safe enough for buns too. BUT! Get an older variety, not a newer cultivar, the eat-ability of cultivars is always suspect.

How about taro leaves? Never looked them up but they sure look green and rabbit tasty.

Pickerel weed is one I fed the gpigs and rabbits both, its another marginal plant that grows really fast and well. Perhaps too well for where you live, some I have mentioned might be invasive weeds where you are?

WHoooops gotta go deal with a massive break out of pigs...........
dayna":27w6zvyf said:
I think taro is toxic? Unless cooked?

I have no idea if rabbits can eat it or not. And having done a search I am none the wiser. :lol:

But if you do a search for sweet potato leaves adn vines LOTS of things come up on how poisonous theyare but they make a great food for rabbits and guinea pigs.

Natural feeding of rabbits has a really good list of things rabbits can eat, have used it many a time meself. :D
Mulberry. There have been studies about Mulberry increasing feed conversion in rabbits.
Not sure about taro leaves...would be worth testing on a "sacrificial" rabbit. It may be that the root is toxic but the leaves are edible???

How about willow? I looked and Hawaii grows willow (Salix sp.). Willow is a very good livestock feed including rabbits.