getting coturnix quail

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Nov 5, 2011
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Well i have been researching coturnix quail off and on for years and now i am getting some on tuesday :)

Video of the to-be quail hutch. Sorry for the rambling at the beginning. The two rabbits in it are the last of my gts x florida white litter that are overdue to be butchered.
Oh and after makin this i decided to use the whole thing for the quail. ... ata_player

Tell me if it doesnt want to play.. darnphone lol.

I will have them mainly for eggs. Later i might sell eggs or fertile eggs or chick <br /><br /> __________ Fri Mar 21, 2014 1:51 am __________ <br /><br /> And pics too.. the blue square is a grid 14 by 14 inches to show size. Inside is about 28 inch by about 50 inch.

I have been wanting to try quail for so long my self but have had just too much going on. Anyway please keep us posted on how it goes with the quail. oh and nice video.
I am picking em up tuesday. The weather is being nutso.. so depending on what it ends up doing is the biggest thing to me at the moment because i am worried about working them outside too quickly and killing them. It was 75*F yesterday and the forecast was for an inch of snow tuesday.

They are 4wks old so half way to being laying age. I am excited to have fresh eggs :)

Got the stuff setup in the hutch. Now just gotta pick up the feed and birds. <br /><br /> __________ Fri Mar 28, 2014 8:21 am __________ <br /><br /> I just picked em up yesterday. I had to sex them myself bc the person waits until they crow/lay to tell... well i was hoping it would be regular pharohs etc but they are tibetans and tibetan tuxedos (not much white) so they cant be chest feather sexed.. well pickles! So i grab the ones that look the biggest best healthiest.

After getting home and settin them up in their hutch i searched about byc here for vent sexing... ugh.. mine are 5.5wks old. So all the threads are about chick sexing or adult sexing which is simply foam-roo and no foam-hen /: but mine are not chicks.. and not old enough to be crowing or making foam so it seems.

From studying the threads and pics it seems to me best guess is i have 4 hens and 3 roos ): or all roos.... triple ugh! I am doing this for eatin eggs so i need hens hens hens hens.

On the plus side i found a co-op place near the tsc i was gonna go to and ends up the co-op place has 28% protien poultry/game bird feed for $15-odd for 50# :) tsc best was $18-odd for 50# and it was 22% protien.
I got started in them about 6 weeks ago...well...9 weeks ago, because I hatched out my first batch. So I got eggs about 9 weeks ago and get the picture. Anyway. I kept 9 hens and 2 roos out of my first batch. Yesterday my second batch started hatching (71 out of 119 so far!) and my "adults" started laying! Out of 9 girls I've gotten 4 eggs in 2 days. Very exciting!

They are really pretty easy to take care of and pretty fool proof. Tomorrow I'm moving my adults outside and I hope they adjust ok. It's supposed to be nice tomorrow but then get cool again. I just can't keep them in the basement anymore, they are starting to stink up the place.
Awesome :) i am hopin i got mostly hens at this point xD after i have had em a while and if i like em good then i will be gettin a bator and hatchin out some. Been readin alot of good on JMF i will probably save up to order some to hatch from them.
A couple of mine are definitely smaller than the others so if i hatch out later i will be seperatin the biggest hens to hatch from and just keep the smaller ones for layers until the next gen is layin anyhow.

Do you have a problem crackin the eggs? I know they are small but was wonderin if those egg scissors are needed or just money burning lol.

__________ Sun Mar 30, 2014 10:06 pm __________

Tibetan tuxedo. 2 are this color with the white pattern.

Tibetan. 5 are this color. Lol it was not happy to get a pic taken so pardon the death stare its givin me...

First one in the dustbath! The other tuxedo patterned one.
<br /><br /> __________ Sun Mar 30, 2014 10:07 pm __________ <br /><br /> Two starin out at the rainy weather
I love my quail! They're so much fun and addictive to hatch. I've got 15 in the brooder and another 46 eggs in the bator. We're working on getting NPIP certified so we can take them to swaps.

You probably won't get a reliable vent sex until you get an egg. Sometimes the males take a little longer. Just be on the lookout for fighting!
Nothin yet. Someone on a fb group said that they noticed their tibetans seem to start layin like 7-9 wks and the italians and i forget which other one start layin 6-7 wks. So shall see.

A few are definitely bigger. Seems like four look like they have been gettin bred- ruffled feathers, a few missing- like what i see/read online so fingers crossed.
Well I've been to busy to get on here but 2 weeks ago I got 30 quail. 20 for me and 10 for my uncle. that I've had to house until he is gets to feeling better :x
I wasn't going to get any this soon but one of the vendors that I deal with at work told me he wanted to get rid of his quail for $1.25 each :D they normally go for anywhere from $5 to $8 here. so I couldn't pass it up. well then I got to thinking that since I made this mad scramble to get the cages ready for these and I got the feed, feeders & waterers why waste my time with these when what I really wanted was the jumbos. So now I'm fixing to clean all of these & and I just got 20 jumbos that are 2 weeks old now & in the brooder. No one told me that so much stink could come from one little critter. Now this will be another hurdle to deal with. I have an incuview that should be in on Wednesday. Well I gotta go at work.
My standard sized Coturnix Quail and the Jumbos are 20 and 12 weeks old respectively. It's a joy raising them, because they are SUPER easy to raise. I get fresh eggs daily, and I am REALLY enjoying this venture. I feed them a game bird feed that contains 30% protein and feed them crushed oyster shell for grit. I also sometimes feed them dried mealworms I bought from the feed store, alfalfa sprouts from seeds that I sprout myself and kitchen fruit and veggie scraps.

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