Getting an opinion on a bunny?

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Dec 14, 2011
Reaction score
Hey guys.

I took Ollie in to the vet the other day to have her nails trimmed (they're all black, and makes me nervous that I'm gonna hit the quick. I'd rather have a pro do it), and I asked about having her spayed. Doc looked at me a little weird and said "You do know that they can't be altered if you're going to show them, right?"

I said I wasn't showing Ollie, and he seemed REALLY surprised. He said she fits the 'breed standard' really well, and would likely take a local and probably state show, with potential for placing in a regional. o_O So I bought and read the ARBA book, and yeah.... it's like reading Urdu. I don't have a clue.

Do ya'll know of anyone I can ask: Hey, what's my chances of her actually being something in show? I don't want to spay her if she's decent for show, but at the same time, I don't want to take her to a show and get laughed out of the building. :/

She's purebred Netherland Dwarf; the breeder sold her to me for the pet price because the very tips of her ears cross on occasion. He said that was her only fault, but it's a disqualification, so he couldn't use her as show stock. But the ARBA guide doesn't say anything (that I saw) about that in either direction. :?

Thanks in advance guys. :)
@MaggieJ: *nosewrinkles* Here in this forum post, or somewhere else? I'm still trying to figure out this forum's etiquette guides... the bunny forum I came from was... unique. Showing rabbits was evil, apparently. o_O So I didn't want to tromp on toes by straight-up posting. ^_^

I'm not seeing how to set up pics in my profile... is that something I'm just totally overseeing? *headdesk* It's entirely too late in the day for me. XD
Hi SilverBlaze- welcome to RT!

Go to the index page under "Other Rabbit Topics" to breed discussions and post your pics under that. I use "Paint" to re-size my photos to 500 pixels, (remember to save the changes!) put them in a special folder I named "post pics to internet" and go to that file when I hit "Browse" on the page. Double click the image you want, and back on the RT page hit "add file". It will take a second to load and you'll see the page refresh- then position your cursor where you want the pic to be and hit "place inline". I always "preview" my posts when I add pics to make sure I didn't botch it prior to hitting "submit".

I'm very computer challenged, so I tried to explain that simply and fully- I apologize if you are some kind of computer whiz and feel like I'm treating you like an inept 42 yr old. (I was going to say a 5 yr old- but that doesn't work since the kids are more computer savvy than us adults! :lol: ) I hope I've helped so we can see pics of your little ND!

Those of you out in the RT world who are more computer literate, feel free to suggest another way if there is a better way to do this. I'd be all ears as well! Thankfully, I have a 14yr old who guided me through these steps the first time. Ok, ok, the first couple times. <sigh!> Oh, very well, half dozen times! :oops:
No need to do that, MamaSheepdog. SilverBlaze can post them right here in the thread and directly from her computer. Here is the link to the Attachments Tutorial.
You need to use "Full Editor"... The button is below the box where you type.

We are pretty relaxed here, SilverBlaze, and we embrace all aspects of raising rabbits. We are a bit picky about bad language and we do not tolerate disrespectful posts or flaming... But I doubt you will have any problems, so relax and join in.
Hmmm- I'll check out that tutorial again Maggie, but with my limited capabilities I may be safest with my tried and true method!
I tried a few forums where there was a lot of judgmental mentalities...some feel showing is evil, some feel raising for meat is evil, some feel that even purebred rabbits are evil because they feel that "buying a purebred steals a home from a homeless shelter rabbit."

Pure lunacy if you asked me. ;)

I was a little afraid of just straight-up posting here, too, because of the reactions I got on other forums...this place is different. :) I like how nice and helpful and non-judgmental people are here! Other forums are, as best I can tell, designed to tell you how stupid/mean/ignorant your are, which is not true.

Please do post pictures! :) I am unfamiliar with your breed's standard (I'm only just familiarizing myself with the standard of my own breed, actually) but someone should know more than I, plus I just want to see your bunny. :) And if your bun is show-quality...just so you know, I'm new to showing (haven't competed yet but attended as a spectator...will be showing in the spring though!) and thus far it seems like an awfully fun hobby!!!Almost everyone I've met at a show has been really friendly and inclusive, and I'm really looking forward to it in the spring!
Depending upon what kind of show your vet is talking about as to what they may have ment as a higher placer. I've sold some of what I call broodish MR (over sized brood does that don't have the greatest density but have type and small ears/head and good hq) that won or done well. One in particular at my local county fair a few years ago for a 4H girl in her breed class for instance was a 6lb 2oz charlie broken red doe...being pregnant at the time didn't help her with the weight but she was always over the limit any way. Now the same doe at an ARBA show would have been dq'd and scooted off first thing; she was over weight, poorly marked, poorly colored, and her head was tiny in comparison to body over all.

ARBA shows have very hard competition in Netherland Dwarfs in most places. I show in open with normally bews, recently broken to love the chocolate otters. I'm not at the top but I'm doing better then years past so its improvement. Considering some of the best show in the area, I feel very good about that. If the vet was talking about a county/local/state/regional fair they do not always follow the breed guide lines in any way shape or form for their shows. I've seen some 'mini lops' that were definately not floating around, but well because the judge didn't want to know any better accepted it as such and placed it as such. No advice would be taken as they already 'knew' what a mini lop was. Its happened with other breeds too. Any way please do post pictures! I've seen and shown some with a slight V but it is highly undesirable and if extreme is a dq, never twisted. I would say it is a dq as it would be a break that healed odd or twisting of the cartlidge in the ears most likely causing it and IF I'm thinking right its a general dq on rabbits to show them like that (do not have my book handy to give page number but I believe its in the front of it and not with the breed description but with the other general dq's). Any extreme fault (in the standard it calls for upright ears, up right ears are not crossed) can be deemed a dq if the judge's opinion of it warrents. An ARBA show is usually really relaxed (no really rude peaple save a few that is) and newbies are always welcome to jump in and tag along with some one, there's always some one around where I've been willing to do that any way. It is fast and organized chaos though. You have to pay really close attention or you can miss your breed and class.

Another thought on ears, the shorter the better as long as they are thick and well furred. Thin short ears are passed over longer thicker ears from what I've seen. Rounded ears instead of pointy are usually chosen over, but some times a judge like's one shape more then the other. There is a max ear length for this breed, your SOP lists it specifically, believe it is 2.5" eaches but generally the better netherlands are 2" or less. Does your doe have a dew lap? If so, she cannot be shown in the ARBA shows. Its a dq. Its always a good thing to check for weight and other generals too before going to a show to 'try' her out if you decide to. Just make sure to check back in with the breeder that sold her as some breeders will not sell a rabbit for a pet unless the rabbit is to be a pet only and never shown or bred because the flaws it has they see as being more harmful then the helpful good points the rabbit possess.

Its all opinion of the judge based on their interpt of the standard for the breed, the best rabbit in one show can be the worst in another...kind of an every dog has a bad day IF the base bones are there. If you read in the front of the ARBA standard there is a list of general dq's (its been a while it may not be directly in the front but near the front) including teeth, color, some eye coloring (usually found in breed's accepted color description same goes for toe nail color), scew tail, and others.
Why is a Dew Lap not allowed? Is that a sign of a fat rabbit? I always thought it was a sign the rabbit was a female and good weight. I've never seen a male with a dew lap or at least never had one...

A vet can easily screw up a nail trim and not tell you. Are you there for the nail trim or do they take her back themselves? It's not hard to do yourself. Just trim a little at a time. Usually at the strongest bend in the nail is where the quick stops or a bit before the curve.
Dewlaps on BUCKS are a DQ, but not on does although some breeds do not get them per se... like Mini Rex (sorta lol) and Nethies. But Flemmies and French Lops get huge ones. It all depends on the individual breed's SOP.
Some breeds are faulted for dew laps even on a doe, the most important thing on your Netherie is her ear length & carriage and body size and shape. I love pics so send em in I say. I too am in love with R.T. as everyone has said it is friendly and we just love all animals. JMO.
As far as scissored ears on a ND are concerned. I see it shown as a fault in the SOP, but not as a DQ. The only DQ for ears I see is if they are over 2.5"
Yeah, Netherlands are one of the breeds that allow no dew lap what so ever by the breed standard for show. Its just as the standard calls and how it is written. Some breeds don't want an overly large or massive dewlap, but I don't think its generally a problem. The whole list for dq for having a dewlap is: britannia petite, dwarf hotot, himilayan, netherland dwarf, polish, silver, and tan.

I understand about the ears, and I know its not listed as a dq but if severe enough a judge can call dq for a severe enough fault. I've not seen any dq's unless the ears are really long but I'd say if they were twisted in really bad they could dq them. The judge has the right to their opinion and make the call. Every one's got an opinion though lol. I guess in larger/national shows the ear carriage isn't as much as an issue, or at least it doesn't seem like I see in the pictures as many with ear issues there because of the grade of competition. Its like some others too I guess, I've seen hollands with ears so long I was sure they'd be placed lower and really thought some should be on there since the ears were well below allowed but they were placed higher then ones with better head sets.

Still hoping for pictures :)

I like the forum too, its friendlier then the other one I'm on and I'm not as terrified to say some thing like on the other. I don't like that but some times I need another spot to advertise or get show help from on there...but good place here :)<br /><br />__________ Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:24 pm __________<br /><br />Whoops, forgot about polish...they do allow for a small pencil line of fur roll but nothing else. Its hard to remember some times...

I'm hoping to eventually go for registar lic. testing :)
Jeez, guys, I am sooo sorry. Real life kinda got me by the throat, and it's just been crazy busy. My deepest apologies!!

Ah-ha! I know what I shall do. *please tell me if this ISN'T okay* I'll post the pictures in the Breed-Specific forum, and then put a link in over here, since this is where I first asked, but I don't wanna go around spamming a bunch. ^_^

Edit: Here's the link: