Garlic for parasite prevention? michaels4gardens help please

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Well-known member
Mar 19, 2016
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South Africa
I have heard garlic is good prevention for parasites like cocci, example michaels4gardens use of garlic chives. I have a few questions. I am interested in using it before I breed my doe next month.

1. What are the benefits? Which exact parasites does it help with and does it kill them or prevent them?
2. What are the risks? I do not want to harm my rabbits at all, they are my pets as well as breeding animals.
3. When would I feed garlic? How often? Every time I breed( 2 or 3 times a year)? And for both the buck and the doe?
4. Can regular plain garlic be used, not just garlic chives? How would I prepare the garlic, as in what part do I give?
5. How much would I give?
6. Do the rabbits eat it? Mine are picky, they might not want it. How would I encourage them to eat it?
7. Is it safe for pregnant does and kits?

Thanks in advance!

Uuuuuuughhhhhh!!!!! Mys sister was logged in!!!!! This is actually LittleFluffyBunnies, my sister keeps forgetting to log out and I post without realizing it is her. Oops.
Most of your questions will likely need to be answered by Michael, since he has the most experience with using garlic for parasites, but I do know that he uses all members of the allium family (onions and garlic type plants) and think he usually just feeds the green tops.

The other question that I can answer is about how you would get them to eat it... if they don't "need" it, they will probably ignore it in favor of other foods. Animals are really good about self-medicating.

For example, catnip is edible and safe for rabbits (but not recommended for pregnant or nursing does), but none of mine would ever eat it... until I had a doe that was in the early stages of mastitis, that is. Catnip is one of many herbs that helps to dry up milk, so I picked some along with mint which also helps to slow milk production, and the doe literally snatched the catnip out of my hands!!! :p

olafthebunny":y20j216r said:
Uuuuuuughhhhhh!!!!! Mys sister was logged in!!!!! This is actually LittleFluffyBunnies, my sister keeps forgetting to log out and I post without realizing it is her. Oops.

:lol: That happens to Miss M and her kids all of the time! And she's a MOD!!! Good thing her kids are well behaved. Well, most of the time anyway. They can be a little pesky when it comes to me...
I've never used garlic with rabbits.

But, I use it a lot to deworm my goats, so I will just give some of how I do that. I use the bulb.

Fresh garlic is best. Chopped a lot and left for a little while creates more allicin. Allicin is what the plant makes to ward of predators, so the more it's chopped, the more allicin it makes.

With animals it goes by weight. I mix it with more herbs and goats think it's a great treat :D

Benefits include: immune boosting, it's highly nutritious, can help detox the body, it's a natural antiseptic & antibiotic, helps relax the stomach, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, good for the reproductive system and more.
Allicin (it's most active ingredient) can attack and distroy many bacterias and viruses.

It should not be given in large doses.

It's often called a natural antibiotic, and one of the strongest ones.