Gain weight

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Active member
Sep 23, 2014
Reaction score
Pine City,mn
I have a SR( 1 1/2)buck that I adopted, I showed in August at the county fair, during judging the judge weighed him and said he was underweight and he was disqualified, broke my heart!!!! So I would love to fatten him up a bit for next year, any suggestions?
I would suggest getting another rabbit to show next year. A 2 1/2 year old rabbit is not going to have the firm flesh condition of a younger animal, and probably wont compete well.

When it comes to age classes, the younger they are the older you want them to be; for instance, if you are showing a junior (rabbit up to 6 months old), you want it to be as close to the upper age limit as possible so it has a more mature coat and muscular development, whereas with seniors, you want them to be on the younger end of the spectrum because the first adult coat is usually the best they will ever have and their muscle tone will be firmest.