Full of milk but can't feed kits?

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Well-known member
May 24, 2012
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Starr is a meat mama Cal, about 2.5years, and kindled her 8th litter a few days ago. The problem started back in March on her 6th. She swells up with milk but...her kits can't get it. It's difficult to squeeze out as well. She jumps in to feed for a nice long time, but most don't get full bellies; they might get a little, but not enough to thrive.
I've cycled several litters through her nest. Her kits get full bellies in other nests and the cuckoo kits in hers go hungry. I've even tried taking away her pellets and rationing just oats, but it's not helping. Only one, maybe two, of her teats seem to be working right and can give a kit a full belly.

I don't really know what to do about it. She breeds easy, kindles good, big litters, holds condition great, makes too much milk despite everything - she just can't seem to feed kits anymore. I keep feeling like maybe if I keep rebreeding her, the problem will pass, but I know that's probably pretty silly.
Is this broken-boobies problem just a sign it's time to retire a doe or what?
She's nursed crazy kits up to 8 weeks a few times before, and never had a problem before that 6th litter. It just came on real sudden after a break.

I've been worried about bruising her but just said screw it tonight, I was so desperate. Brought Starr and her nest to the table. She knows the drill; hopped right in to feed, and I put my hands down under her to press and kneed her boobies quite a bit firmer than I have before...and several minutes later, I had fat kits! :p That was a relief. It would kind've suck to have to do that every feeding, but I really like my mama Starr.
Great news. So maybe her babies arent suckling hard enough for some of the teats? A good mother rabbit is a good rabbit to hold on to but just keep in mind it may be genetic.y
Oh, I'm so glad her milk finally started coming out! Maybe your firm kneading broke up some thickened milk or something. No clue, I'm just glad you got fat kits out of it!

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