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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2016
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Well the story start like this: I had a jail break about a month ago. What exactly means is that I had a old wood frame cage built with chicken wires sides and quarter by quarter bottom, it also had a chicken wire divider in it. I was keep two does one side and a buck on the other side. As I was in the process of building my all wire cages. To my surprise on a evening check, the does had broke thru the divider. So I had just finish one cage and moved the buck to it and in the next day or so finished another and move one of the does to it. Leaving behind one doe. I know that someone had did the nasty but didnt know which two or even that he might have bred both of them.

So my daughter and I just before this big rain came thru tonight. Went out like we do daily and pick some grass and gave all them some. At this point not even a hint of anything different going down in the rabbit/garage. So after the big rain rolled thru I sent daughter out to do water and give them more grass. She comes running and in the house and yelled "Dad the one the chicken wire cage has a bunch of hair and I can see things wiggling in it" I say no way. She yea I think she got babies in there. So I jump up to go see. Sure enough she has babies in there. So I dont even have nesting boxes built yet. So I scramble to find a cardboard box, Yes found the right box from my muck boots bought for hunting. Will do till I get one built tomorrow. She is first time mom and a jr. in age. She 9 babies and one was a little cool so brought that one in the house and warmed it up and put it back in the nest. I think it will die it didnt seem to have a full belly like the rest and not moving as good as the rest if makes it thru the night I will be surprised that it did.

She used the fresh grass and pulled alot of hair for the nest since she had nothing else to use. I only found a spec of blood in the hair/nest that she pulled. No after birth or anything else that I could find.

My question is: How many first time moms has a successful litter? Percentage will work for a answer.

This is my first litter too, so that tells how new I am too this rabbit breeding thing. Thanks in advance.
I had 2 first timers kindle at the end of March. One had 9, the other had 1... The one that had nine, ate one kit and killed another. Fearing for the 2 smallest kits lives I fostered the over to the doe who only had 1 kit. That Doe took to them easily and they are thriving now.

The one that had 9, now has 5 and is tolerating her kits much better now. Some does are meant to be mothers, others not so much I've found. I'll give that one doe another shot to become a good mother then I might just find her some where to be (either my freezer or some thing)

Like English Spot has stated... the statistics down always show positive results for first timers.. but mine seem to be doing ok so far.
How many first time moms has a successful litter? Percentage will work for a answer.

I have yet to ever have a first time doe fail to build a nest or lose her whole litter, out of a couple dozen, so far 100% sucess rate.

A couple have lost a kit or two, but no more than experienced does tend to.

There was one girl who lost a litter because she had no nestbox or nesting material. I don't count that against her, and feel it was entirely my own fault for not assuming every purchased doe is pregnant until proven open. Lesson learned. Does in quarantine always get nest boxes now.
A lot seems to have to do with their age. I have experience with 3 first time moms, and they all did great:). The only reason some were lost is that they got stretched, but that one managed to raise 5 well and my other litters were 7 and 8, all Hollands, all 5 weeks old and doing pretty well right now:) so I say that's 90% of a success rate, and right now 18 adorable babies!
Thanks for the replies.

As of just a few ago we are down to 8 of 9. The one that needed warmed up didnt make it.
Congrats on the kits!

My first timers have done well. I just keep an eye on the kits for a few days to make sure all are getting fed and thriving.
Just a update on rabbits. It now has been over 48 hours and only 1 died out of 9. The 8 that remain are fat and warm so i guess mom is doing the job. :D

this is april 28 2016... Still have 8 of 9 babies alive and doing great. I will get pics later today. This day 6, tomorrow a week old.
bigfoot_158":2dyh750j said:
Just a update on rabbits. It now has been over 48 hours and only 1 died out of 9. The 8 that remain are fat and warm so i guess mom is doing the job. :D

this is april 28 2016... Still have 8 of 9 babies alive and doing great. I will get pics later today. This day 6, tomorrow a week old.

That is great! So glad they are doing well.