Fostering and pics...

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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2011
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Since Amy had seven and Padme had 4, we took one from Amy that looked like it needed more feeding and fostered it to Padme. I took the box out, put the kit in, covered with fur and replaced box. Mom came over, sniffed around, got in the box (this had me worried!) and promptly started nursing/cleaning the kits. When she was done, I looked in and the foster (I marked it's ears with sharpie) was laying on its back, smacking its milky lips and looked like a beach ball! :D :clap: Yay Padme! She seems to have the makings of an excellent mother. When I checked this morning, all were butterball round and warm and cozy.
Padme 2011A 1D.jpg
Amy's remaining six were well fed and happy, they just won't stay covered up!
Amy 2011A 4D.jpg
We actually took Amy out last night and pulled more fur using a shedding tool. She was so good about it. Then this morning, all the fur was on the bottom of the nest again! I pulled it out to cover them up because it was cool and wet this morning. Now, checking Leia's litter from yesterday, there are two that seem to be not getting fed really. It could be that the nest was at the back of the box and they were kind of stuck in the corners, so I made a hole in the center of the box and put them all there and covered with fur.
Leia 2011A 1D.jpg
If that does not work, should I foster one of Leia's to Padme as well? My only concern is that Padme's have a few scratches, like she is stepping on them. Otherwise they look fat and healthy.
define cool and wet. Rabbits are comfortable at lower temperatures than us, it may be that the babies are over-warm and trying to kick off the covers. Texas has got to be warmer than here...and we have had a few 70* days. Mostly I think they can regulate their own temp by climbing up or down thru the nest. Maybe they just got fed when you checked?
Cool as in maybe 60ish? and by wet I mean that it rained all night and the air is damp. The other babies stay covered, this group just won't.
but this group is bigger...ok, just by one kit now :)

60's isn't really cold to a rabbit. It is darn near perfect. But I would think they would stay under the fur. I don't think you need to worry though. Some kits may just be more active...?
My Caly doe had her 1 week old kits laying on top of the fur yesterday also. It was 60 degrees here too, but the barn is damp from all the moisture in the air. I think they were perfect, because now today it's only in the 40's, and they are all covered.