Yeah, she looks rough. Like she's molting heavily too. The boss might actually be contributing to that, but now that she's molting like that, she should keep getting it.
I've been breeding her back at 6 weeks for over a year. She usually gets a little thinner with a new litter, but is plump and healthy again by 6 weeks. If you are worried about her, you could try weaning the kits earlier, like in the 4-5 week range. She shouldn't need it though.
It is possible for parasites to be a factor...
Have you considered substituting pumpkin seed for the boss? I've used raw organic ones from wegmans, for pin worms successfully, with a different rabbit.
High tannin plants for cocci.
I've never used any over the counter drugs for parasites, but they are highly recommended by some.
I just don't know what they are or the dosages because I was determined to do the whole rabbit thing with as few drugs as possible, and it's worked for me. :blush:
__________ Wed Jul 01, 2015 4:39 pm __________
Also...could she be suffering a lot from the heat?
Looks like those babies are growing well.