Fodder pellets

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May 17, 2015
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I was thinking about the fodder systems that are out there and something came to me. Converting for example barley fodder into pellets. Does that make sense? Has anyone attempted this? What are your thoughts.
I'm not sure they are cost effective but there are small pellet mills. You'll find them easier searching for ones meant for people to make their own wood stove pellets. This is one company
I think it all depends on the approach taken because there are ways to make it cost effective. Such as splitting the cost between other farmers or try to get a pre-owned machine etc. I just wanted to know if anyone had attempted this and how it would affect the quality and nutritional value of the end result. I think it can be done because grass is soft and moist yet it is made into pellets just the same so I think it can work.
How about dried fodder? Or maybe freeze dried fodder?

If you sliced your fodder into thin strips and lay it on a screen with a fan blowing would it not dry fairly quickly? I would think the main issue would be mold.
I don't know I was hoping I would find someone who was tried it or would be able to try it, since I am unable to do so.
Schipperkesue":2fajlycu said:
I looked into buying a pelletizer...very expensive!
I figured they would be but there are ways around that. Like forming a co-op with other farmers so we would all have the machine to use. I'm thinking more along the lines of a commercial scale though. You grow your own source (fodder) material for the feed. Do you think it would work out to be the same as buying pellets from a farm store or cheaper in the long run?