My buck is a MESS! He now has fleas, although I cant fully blame him for this one all of our barn cats have had fleas bad lately so they are spreading. I have been looking up ways to rid of these pests and one site said flea powder, another said NO flea powder because it contains too many chemicals that they may consume. I don't really want to risk it, I've gotten this boy out of too much to lose him over a powder. A couple of sites have said Advantage for cats and that it is proven through research, I really liked the sound of this especially since it seemed easy. BUT then I saw the price.I can not even dream of affording that because even though the buns have been moved out of the cats reach (for the most part) they still may contract them off of me and it may cycle. I then read about using diatomaceous earth! I've never used this before but I've heard only good things about it! Plus the price is pretty good! I was wondering if anybody has ever used this one there rabbits/other animals for fleas or for anything! Has it helped? Thank you!