First Colony Cleanout

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Well-known member
Rabbit Talk Supporter
Dec 27, 2009
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North of Toronto
Well, I cleaned out the colony for the first time today. It seems that two weeks is about right for the cleanout, there were poo pellets spread throughout the straw and the potty corner was wet. I was a bit concerned that the rabbits would freak out when I went in the enclosure but, after an initial nervous period, I found I had more problems keeping them out of my way as I gathered up the old hay and swept the floor. They sniffed and nibbled at my boots and jacket, insisted on inspecting the broom and taking a curious nibble at the bristles and generally totally got in the way. They inspected the corners and the area as I cleaned up, obviously inspecting my work and making sure it was up to their bunny standards. About halfway through they went and lay down on the area I had cleaned as if to say "Hurry up already, it's afternoon and you should know it's our nap time"! I put a new bale of straw in, broke it up into a few piles and they went about their business arranging it the way they liked. All in all, it was kind of a nice time to spend with the rabbits. I've never interacted with them like this before and it's a nice experience.

I put the old straw from the rabbits into the chicken enclosure and they, of course, were thrilled with this new bounty. They spent the rest of the afternoon clucking away and digging through the straw looking for hidden treasures and after an hour or so they had it spread evenly over their area. The straw should also help keep the mud down in the chicken run and hopefully give the chickens a larger area to walk around on when it snows. So far the new setup seems to work well.
I think they're happier. They sure are more active which should be obvious with more room to move around in. It's very cool interacting with them inside the enclosure instead of just petting them in their cage or taking them out of the cage and not being able to put them down for fear of them making a break for it. It's nice to have them come right up to me, standing up and putting a paw on my knee. Hopefully soon I will be hounded by little ones!
That's really neat, Truckingguy. Maybe you should put a chair in there so you can have your morning coffee with them. :)
Sounds like a great first colony cleanout experience. Love that the rabbits are doing so well and were very curious about what you were doing. Sounds like they are really enjoying their new set up.

I'd definitely put out a chair and enjoy their company like you do the chickens. Very relaxing time being around rabbits. And I'd nix the newspaper, but get a good book. My rabbits enjoy when I read to them. I know it's odd, but I guess it's the sound of my voice they enjoy, not the content of the book. But all of us get enjoyment out of a good book.
