Feed storage question

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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2013
Reaction score
Western Michigan
We got rid of our rabbits until April but still have a lot of rabbit pellets left. We store our pellets in a sterrilite bin in the garage. Will the food still be good in April or not?
problem you run into is feed loses it's freshness and some of the ingredients will degrade.

I'd use it but I'd mix it with fresh stuff as long as it looked and smelled good.
Hello Dutchess,
I would suggest that you place the feed in question in smaller bags
and store in a freezer if you have the space. Doing so will extend
the shelf life of the pelleted rabbit feed. Feed loses it's nutritional
value after three months. Feeding any food past it's prime is not
helping, it's just filling a space in the rabbits belly.
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer:
If you just recently bought the pellets, I'd think that April might be alright (that's three months away). Especially if your garage is cold. Feed degrades faster with heat. If you can't freeze them, I'd do what Ladysown suggested. If you can freeze them, all the better -- you don't have to worry about humidity and mold.

Just make sure to take a nice deep sniff of them, to make sure they still smell like pellets.
most rabbit food is good for around a hundred days after processing. As suggested above it can be good for longer times.