Fat rabbit and skinny rabbit

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New member
Dec 31, 2014
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New Zealand
I have two pet flemish giant crosses, who live outside in a very large pen together.

They have very different tastes in food!

Hugh is such a boy, he loves his carbs - he doesn't eat much of the greens I put out. Often he will take a few disinterested bites, then go away to the pellet bowl instead. He eats heaps of the pellets, eats hay, nibbles on foliage, and loves banana. He is overweight: it's hard to feel his spine, and he has a small dewlap!

Jessica only grazes on the pellets, and chows down on the greens with delight. She mows through them, and will do anything for grapes or apple. She is probably of a healthy weight, maybe a little bit skinny.

When food got scarcer (relatively! plenty of grass and hay) they had a fight. Not sure who won.

So how can I try and get weight off Hugh while getting weight onto Jess?

Also, do bunnies NEED fresh greens every day? Sometimes I'm out, and Jess is devastated. Hugh couldn't care less.
You will probably have to separate them..It's the only way to really regulate calories..banana is pretty much a once in a while treat. It's too much sugar. Mine love it too,and apples. And wheat bread...pretty much any treat :p
Pellets are a complete food so that and hay are all they need..but greens are nice. And if you're looking to go pelletless there is some good info in the natural feeding section. :D
True, you have to separate them and don't feed the overweight one at all time. Stop giving him feed with high sugar content such as fruits.