Fabulous sale!

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Well-known member
Feb 18, 2013
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Big Island of Hawaii
I have 6 meat mutts in the grow out pen. They are all growing well expect one. She was small when born and just never caught up.

She's got a lovely shaped head, very delicate and petite.

I had a lady over looking at the more "pet" type rabbits and she looked at that little meat mutt and said "can I buy her?".

I explained that she's smaller than the others, not worth it for meat or breeding unless you wanna breed smaller rabbits.

She said "oh she's so cute she's perfect for a pet".

So she gave me $20 and a bag of Lilikoi. YUM so I gave her a rabbit and a bag of avacados. I love hawaii!
I'm on my way over, be there shortly :motorcycle:

Dayna if I want an avocado these days, I gotta pay 1.00 or more for one of those little Haas avocados.
My grandmother had a tree in Florida, she would send us home with bags of them. Yummmm
I soooo miss her, she was a neat lady! :)<br /><br />__________ Tue Oct 01, 2013 9:24 pm __________<br /><br />I forgot! Congrats on the great sale! :)
107??!! Crap in a hat....they are over a dollar each in my grocery store! I love avocado's and treat myself every so often to one.
What about Dragon Fruit, do you guys grow that in Hawaii? I pay $6 a piece for Dragon Fruit in Illinois.
Great sale. I just love this time of year. Harvest feels so bountiful and it's nice to be able to share.

I just took 2 lbs of chestnuts to a neighbor not expecting anything in return as I'm overrun with them. I happily accepted a bottle of their vineyard wine, a gold winner 2010 zin. I'm saving it for my first home grown rabbit dinner.
dayna":3fx04msk said:
I've got dragonfruit planted all over my property. I hope to see fruit soon!

I am going to gorge myself on that stuff in a couple weeks when I get to Hawaii if it's cheap in all of the super markets.
I think you could make a small side business sending us continental folk avocados and dragon fruit!! I'm kidding (kinda) lol!
Lol my grandma in FL has mango,avocados,guava,and leeche trees (and a few other I can't remember)... When the mangos and avocados get going she is doing her best to give them away! When she visits she brings us bags full. Last time I was down there over the summer, she would send me every morning to pick up the mangos from the ground and I was picking up probably 30-50 a day! It was nuts!
If I had a customer base I probably would. But as of right now I don't have that. I would have to take the fruit to be inspected at the AG department so I'd want like a "sign up" sheet type thing. Plus people would have to pay for USPS flat rate box shipping which jacks the price up.
Awesome, lucky for that little bunny. I am selling a young Champagne buck today, so three out of the litter of four will be sold, the last one will be a meal pretty soon unless someone buys him too. And if my Champagnes will produce some females they are all sold to a couple different people.

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