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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2012
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plattsburg, missouri
Fourteen days = 700 pounds of feed.

Scraped the bottom of the barrels last night. I got all of my stock fed and had "m-a-y-b-e" three pounds of feed left in my feed bucket. That's 700 pounds of feed in the last 14 days. Time for another trip to the feed store this morning.

I've got about 10 days before my next shipment of rabbits is ready. There should be close to 65-70 head leaving. That'll help my pocket-book.

Lord help you, Grumpy. I cannot imagine going through 100 lbs. of feed every 2 days.

It took my rabbits nearly 3 months to go through 1,000 lbs.
I'd use about 600ibs a week if I wasn't able to feed so much free grain, but then if I had to buy all my feed I wouldn't have any where near so many rabbits. As it is I buy 200ibs rabbit pellets every month.
pupraiser":1wk7wvx6 said:
Wow! Are you able to profit at all?

LOL. Yes, I do make a profit. Not much at times. But better now than in the past. I've "partnered" with a fella that raises pasture hogs and range/grown Cornish-cross fryers. All are processed by a USDA facility. Bypassing all of the middlemen, he sells directly to restaurants here in the Midwest.

I make a base amount per pound live-weight and 50% of the net profit on my rabbits sold to restaurants. These are fryers in the 5.25 to 6.00 pound range. Selling directly to restaurants is a "new" avenue for both of us concerning the rabbits. I've urged him to use "caution" in advertising about the addition of rabbit meat to his sales list.

The first group of processed rabbits never made it to his home. All were sold to clientele on his delivery route back from the USDA facility. One chef wants a minimum of 75-100 per month. It would only take a handful of clients such as this and it would be easy to fall behind. I've got 42 working does at the present time and need about three times that many.

Tentatively, I've got plans for an additional 80 holes to be added ASAP. Of course, the almighty dollar has an impact on how fast I can accomplish my goal. I'm looking into the possibility of a grant from the USDA in providing organic food on a local level. The money's there and available for projects such as mine. It just takes a mountain of paperwork to get the idea into the system.

With the infusion of "growth-stimulants" into our food chain, it's becoming more and more important to provide a product that is free from these chemical alterations. I just read where Russia is refusing to buy beef from America because of these growth stimulants that are now being used by the cattle industry.

It's a CRAZY world we live in.

Kyle@theHeathertoft":75276v7k said:
SatinsRule":75276v7k said:
Grumpy, which restaurants offer entrees with rabbit meat?

I've known people who've had it on the menus at fancy restaurants...noplace I can afford but still. ;)

I'm not above going to a fancier restaurant whenever the opportunity presents itself, provided that they offer something I'd enjoy eating.

I still remember being in USAF tech school and seeing it being served in the main line of the chow hall. My eyes about popped out of my skull, and the other airmen around me thought I was crazy when I asked for it as my main entrée.
In the Marine Corps, we served rabbit quarters once per month ... that was actually one of our busy meals as so many found they really liked rabbit LOL

I am up to 300#+ per month ... with another dozen in the grow out pen, and 14 in the baby pen, and 24 still in nestboxes with one more doe due this week.
AnnClaire":1xp2qtl3 said:
In the Marine Corps, we served rabbit quarters once per month ... that was actually one of our busy meals as so many found they really liked rabbit LOL

I am up to 300#+ per month ... with another dozen in the grow out pen, and 14 in the baby pen, and 24 still in nestboxes with one more doe due this week.

Of course, most of ours was served to us oven roasted. That same thing could be stated about nearly any meat entrée offered to us. I ate it anytime it was offered. It was a great change of pace, plus I remember(ed) all too well what the BBQ rabbit tasted like when it was served at the rabbit show refreshments booth.
I've chosen to remain "in the back-ground". I couldn't name one chef my buyer sells to. I prefer to concentrate entirely on my rabbits than do what my buyer does.

I'm a bit of a recluse and completely enjoy the quietness and solitude my rabbitry affords me. He enjoys the hustle and bustle of getting out and meeting new people.......I don't. LOL. He's been urging me to allow some of the chefs a "tour" of my rabbitry. I'm kind of draggin' my feet on this idea. I don't do well in crowds. Nor, do I like an inordinate number of strange people around me.

Very good decision Grumps. I understand the way you feel about crowds 100%. Keep up the good work. And good luck with that government grant. Sounds like you really need an expansion.
Grumpy, you're a grown man and can make your own decisions, but it may not be a totally bad idea to get to know some of the end-item customers which your buyer(s) deal with. There are suddenly a lot of Chinese-raised rabbits making their way into local grocers' freezers. To me that is a crying shame because it's underselling our own commercial producers, and we both know that rabbit meat is a very healthy alternative to most of what is sold in supermarkets today.

I tried some of that Chinese product while I was living in Alaska a few years back, and it wasn't worth the plastic it's packaged in, but it would be naïve for any of us to think that chefs and restaurant managers/owners won't turn to it in order to create a healthier bottom line. Seems to be the flavor of the day anymore.

Hosting a few of them may be to your advantage because you'd be putting a face to the product they're buying, but again, you're a grown man and that is your call. I'm reclusive myself and don't particularly enjoy mixing with numbers of strange people very often, so I totally understand what you said about enjoying the solitude of the operation.
Satin: I agree with you....mostly. LOL.
I left home when I was 15 years old.
That was 48 years ago....I never returned.
Grown Man? I would hope I've still got a bit of a Kid inside me.
I get excited about mundane things, like a new sunrise.

You're braver than I.
I wouldn't taste anything from China. That stuff'll kill ya!

I ain't zactly said "NO" to a tour.
Just draggin' my toes a little, that's all.
I've got some more whistles and bells I'd like to have incorporated
into my rabbitry before I would feel comfortable havin'
visitors, chefs, cooks, and managers, and such.

Crowds? Let's just say I "stay-away-from-em".
Oh.....I've tried a few times.
But...it never worked out too good.
I'm always behind, beside, or in back of,
the drunkest, loudest, most obnoxious FOOL in the bunch.

AND....I don't suffer fools very well.

AnnClaire":2a19v92a said:
In the Marine Corps, we served rabbit quarters once per month ... that was actually one of our busy meals as so many found they really liked rabbit LOL

I am up to 300#+ per month ... with another dozen in the grow out pen, and 14 in the baby pen, and 24 still in nestboxes with one more doe due this week.

I'm up to 500lbs, and that makes me want to cry. 7000lbs is too much for me to grasp.
Grumpy, it was one of those things where I just happened to be in a local butcher shop in south Anchorage while I lived up there. I usually bought fresh bison/buffalo steaks in there when they had them in stock. They also had infinitely better beef than just about any supermarket in the city. I walked over by their freezer, and the sight of a frozen rabbit just stuck to me. I bought a couple, and got them home before I realized where they had come from: China. I tried to bake it, and it just didn't turn out well at all. The rest of that poor creature as well as the other one wound up going out in the garbage on the next pickup day. When I bought it, I guess I was just naïve enough to think it was processed somewhere in the western U.S. where most of the meat that place sold came from. Not too long ago, a grocery store in the town I live in currently had some of the same Chinese stuff in their frozen foods section. As far as I was concerned, it could stay there.

As for crowds, I don't do particularly well with them, either. I go to shows and have the few fellow satin breeders whom I talk with. The rest of them are mostly folks who don't know enough about me to even claim they know me at all. Sure, most of them can probably tell you that I was in the USAF, but a very small handful can tell you what I actually did or worked on while I was in, or even how long I was in. Even fewer can tell you where I was stationed, and all these are subjects I talk very candidly with people that I get to know to any real degree.

But I understand the whole thing about wanting to spruce or tweak up some things in the rabbit house before you go to having guests and perfect strangers in there. I've been doing what I'm doing for over 3 years now, and I have yet to let anyone else into my barn. It's just how I roll, and if you knew how many miscreants we have running about the neighborhood I live in, you'd probably do the same. As it is, they're out of sight and out of mind.
I would definitely be leery of rabbit meat from China ... with their record of dangerous chemicals in so many other food products!
grumpy":b3ocpqci said:
I'm a bit of a recluse and completely enjoy the quietness and solitude my rabbitry affords me. He enjoys the hustle and bustle of getting out and meeting new people.......I don't.

I say go with your strengths!!

As for folks visiting your rabbitry.... You've shared a lot with us through your photos and write-ups. I know that people want to see the rabbits, etc. but I don't like having folks go through my place, either. In your case, you can talk about hygene and disease control and all the stuff that the chicken farms and egg farms do to keep food safe. The chefs ought to go for that. (I doubt that they tour feed lots or beef processing plants.)

Anyway, congrats on continued success and please keep us posted on your journey. You gotta love it when a plan comes together!
grumpy":l1qpyn57 said:
I'm a bit of a recluse and completely enjoy the quietness and solitude my rabbitry affords me. Nor, do I like an inordinate number of strange people around me.

I second that. I am the same way.

I'll never forget the look you gave me when I walked through the door of your rabbitry. It was one of those " who the heck are you, and what the heck can I help you with" looks lol. Once you found out who I was you and your family made me feel most welcome. It was the highlight of my trip.
I do 1000-1200 lbs a month in the winter and spring. Now it's down to 17 fryers that need to be feed 3 more weeks and 2 litters that should be born next week. Then I'm done for the summer except for my breeding stock and I'll be culling a couple of those. It will be nice for a bag to last a week or more again.

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