Early nest making?

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May 11, 2015
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I have one rabbit due this weekend, but she's not looking overly plump so I am guessing it was a dud (although she was pretty ornery with him when I tried 2 weeks later compared to her very willing self the first time, so who knows). I have two more listed for the 10th... one of which was haystashing this morning?? I put a nest box in for her a couple weeks ago which was a miss (guessing a temporarily heat sterile buck) and hadn't thought to take it out. Looked over this morning to find her with a few sprigs of hay (what was loose on the floor from the rack I guess)... I couldn't even get a handful in the hutch before she was going after it. Odd that she's building one so early... unless I somehow mixed up some dates which wouldn't be a huge leap of the imagination (heeeelllloooo chronic sleep deprivation for the last 8+ years).
Maybe a mix up, or maybe an early nester. I find my does like having their nest about 10 days early. They set up house just right and then ignore it til they need it. I had my one doe haystaching into her feeder, so I gave her a nest box yesterday!

Worst that can happen is she didn't take... best can happen is she gives you popples!!
I have a doe who build her nest two weeks into her pregnancy. I am never sure if it's a false pregnancy or not since its so early but she's had kits every time. She just likes being prepared :D I keep learning things about rabbits that defy the "rules" so I figure, for the most part, with does anything goes :)

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