Ear Tags or Markings

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New member
Jun 27, 2013
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Los Angeles, CA

I want to run 3 runs of Does (2 or 3 Does Per Run). Breeding each run 60 days apart, so every 90 days, I will have a new litter ready for market. I am debating whether to leave the litter in with the mother doe until day 90 or put all kids of mixed Doe groups together in a separate 4th run. If I do this, I will need to be able to identify the initial litter in the run. I also would like to mark each rabbit kid as either a boy or girl with Blue or Pink corresponding ear tag, markings, or something else.

So the question is, what is the best way to mark a rabbit, I am going to try and sell as pets some of the litter and than take the extra to market. So I don't want anything to permanently damage the rabbit as they will all be tagged/marked at the same time, but some may go to pet stores and some to auction.

I appreciate the information.

Thank you

Southern California
A livestock marker or even a Sharpie pen should last 60- 30 days (assuming you'd mark them between 4 and 8 weeks old) if prepared properly by removing any wax from the ear with a cotton ball of alcohol.

You could use black for males and red for females. If your does are each given a short code name such as 'A' 'B' and 'C' that is all you need in the ear and if large enough you should be able to see it if it fades some.

Tags leave holes and if torn off there is a lot of blood, a nasty rip and ugly scar.
I have never had luck with Sharpie staying for more than a few days...they end up grooming it off each other. Get a tattoo pen, KBTatts version is inexpensive and works well, and use that. http://kbtatts.weebly.com/
I vote for the pen as well. Make sure to mark the left ear only. The right ear is reserved for the Registrar's tattoo. A rabbit marked in the right ear will be disqualified if shown.

I recommend using human grade ink for a long lasting tattoo. I was told by a tattoo artist that Kuro Sumi black outlining ink is the best for this purpose.

http://www.amazon.com/KURO-SUMI-Black-O ... B00424NC4G

My system is rather complex, but provides a lot of information. I use Buck's initial, Doe's initial, kit's ranking in litter by size (1 being largest, 2 next largest, etc.), month, year. I never have more than one doe or buck with a name starting with a given letter of the alphabet at one time.

For example, I know that my blue buck GK302 is out of Greystone and Kizzy, he was the third largest in his litter, born in October of 2012. I use "X" for November, and "Z for December.

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