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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2013
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Are potato peeling safe to feed to rabbits ??
I fell really dumb asking this, but I can not remember ever feeding them to rabbits.
:soap: The only dumb questions are the ones left unasked that result in harm.

You should always cook potatoes before feeding them to anything, human or animal.

They contain solanine, which is toxic. An indicator of increased solanine is the greening of the potatoe's skin, but even potatoes that are not green contain low levels.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solanine<br /><br />__________ Tue Apr 16, 2013 2:49 pm __________<br /><br />Oops- to answer your question, cooked potatoes, skin and all, are safe for rabbits.

They were a favorite treat of a house rabbit I had years ago. :)
No such thing as a dumb question. :) I wouldn't do it. Carrot peelings yes, potato no.
thank you both. I will toss them out. I always feed the carrot peels
but like I said I did not remember feeding potato peels.
I fed some to the rabbits but they didn't take them. Guess they know what they like better than I do.
I feed raw peeled sweet potato. But not regular potato.