I have one line of purebred self/broken self rabbits that I have been working with for just about a year now. At the beginning of this year I added a mixed breed ermine doe to my barn, and bred her to my two purebred bucks.
Her first litter- bred to a broken black buck. Got black gold tipped steel, broken black gold tipped steel, and ruby eyed white.
Her second litter- bred to a self black buck, a son of the broken buck. Got 100% black gold tipped steel.
I bred the broken black buck to my purebred self black doe(who is also his daughter) and have gotten 3 litters, each a mix of black, broken black, broken blue and white. I am waiting to see what the self black buck will produce with the self black doe(his mom).
I talked to a few people just on the rabbit’s genetics and was told that the buck has to be responsible for the steels, that he would most likely be double steel, as his son.
Now for my confusion/issue; I found out all of this after picking up a white doe that’s strictly from red, broken red and white lines. With me being a newer breeder, I asked in my breed club’s chat that, if now suspecting double steel, if I should be looking for a buck that wouldn’t have steel genes. Steel isn’t showable in my pure breed and I’m not interested in putting a purebred doe’s energy into raising a litter that is going to make unrecognized varieties or make more work for me down the line. My question to the group was misconstrued as me “breeder shaming” and was then told that the breeder I bought my broken black buck and self black doe from, has clean lines and the steel must be from the ermine, therefore not an issue for my bucks.
Can someone please clarify? I thought ermine was recessive and not capable of carrying the steel gene. If it’s not going to be a mess, I would like to use the bucks I have now(they have nice type to them and I was excited about being able to get coppers from her) but if it’s going to be a mess...I’d rather not.
R - if an ermine is bred to a broken black and a black, and makes black gold tipped steels with no selfs twice, is the ermine the steel carrier, or the broken black and black bucks?
I have one line of purebred self/broken self rabbits that I have been working with for just about a year now. At the beginning of this year I added a mixed breed ermine doe to my barn, and bred her to my two purebred bucks.
Her first litter- bred to a broken black buck. Got black gold tipped steel, broken black gold tipped steel, and ruby eyed white.
Her second litter- bred to a self black buck, a son of the broken buck. Got 100% black gold tipped steel.
I bred the broken black buck to my purebred self black doe(who is also his daughter) and have gotten 3 litters, each a mix of black, broken black, broken blue and white. I am waiting to see what the self black buck will produce with the self black doe(his mom).
I talked to a few people just on the rabbit’s genetics and was told that the buck has to be responsible for the steels, that he would most likely be double steel, as his son.
Now for my confusion/issue; I found out all of this after picking up a white doe that’s strictly from red, broken red and white lines. With me being a newer breeder, I asked in my breed club’s chat that, if now suspecting double steel, if I should be looking for a buck that wouldn’t have steel genes. Steel isn’t showable in my pure breed and I’m not interested in putting a purebred doe’s energy into raising a litter that is going to make unrecognized varieties or make more work for me down the line. My question to the group was misconstrued as me “breeder shaming” and was then told that the breeder I bought my broken black buck and self black doe from, has clean lines and the steel must be from the ermine, therefore not an issue for my bucks.
Can someone please clarify? I thought ermine was recessive and not capable of carrying the steel gene. If it’s not going to be a mess, I would like to use the bucks I have now(they have nice type to them and I was excited about being able to get coppers from her) but if it’s going to be a mess...I’d rather not.