Does vent change when pregnant?

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Dec 28, 2014
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I have noticed in my little polish doe, when she is pregnant her vent is white and thin, not at all swollen.

My only other rabbit that will breed is a huge witch when preggo so I can't check her. She's also on her third strike, was not a good mother, if she isn't this time she won't be bred again.

My NZWs will not breed (they are right at breeding age, so I am not worried.) Their vents are slightly swollen and dark pink so I think we are close to maturity.

I recently acquired a 11-12 month old Flemish/NZ doe. She was in colony before I got her, access to a male until a week before I got her. I palpated when I got her, nothing. Now she feels very "full" but if she is pregnant she is too far along to feel any individual kits. I have had her two weeks. Her vent is very swollen and purple. I can also very clearly see her nipples but not sure if that's just her breed or if she may be pregnant. (I have a nest box going in soon just in case.)

SO.... do you notice a change in vent color/swelling when your does are pregnant??
That's a good question..I wonder if anyone has ever checked... my only pregnant doe currently is due this weekend..So I won't be lifting her out of the cage..but maybe someone who has a doe not to far along can look.... :)
Well I may have an answer!!

Swollen, purple vent = late pregnancy

I put a nest box in with my FGX doe yesterday. She felt "full" and had visible nips but I have only had her 13 days so I don't know her normal. She was in colony until 1 week before I got her, so from 6 months of age until 3 weeks ago.
She is in quarantine in an X-Pen on garage floor with tons of hay, but no hidey places, so I gave her the nest box last night. Figured she could at least hang out in it.

Tonight - gobs of pulled fur!!!

Hoping she's a good mom considering I was man-handling her so much yesterday....
My F.G. is a great mom..the best I have..her own daughters aren't as good but close...She is the one who is due this weekend..she is so anxious to be a mom again that she built her nest a week ago and rebuilt it two days ago...she pulled some fur two days ago... :lol: This is her seventh or eighth litter..
I hope my girl is a good mom too! So far breeding rabbits has not been easy or successful for us - polish babies were a bust, 2 peanuts and 2 stillborn, the last one froze during the night when I put it out to be fed. My rex is proven but not with me, and mutilated all her babies, she is on her third strike. Hoping Miss Wilma will make up for those two! No babies in the box this morning but more fur and she is so round, even two days ago she wasn't very round and now she is! I think we are past the dates of false pregnancy, so I guess we will see what happens in the next few days!
I have noticed that "most" pregnant does have non-swollen , light colored vulvas -- until about a week before kindling-- but-- there are always exceptions, -- good records , and palpating , are the only real answers to those questions.
Well this doe is definitely keeping me guessing. She is absolutely 100000% pregnant, I can see and feel babies kicking around. Today, she is not eating much or drinking, and she is breathing fast, so maybe she is getting ready to kindle. My other rabbits show no signs when they are ready to kindle and don't even pull fur till 5-15 minutes before the kits come. Seems everyone around here also kindles in the middle of the day. I guess we will see what the next few days bring. She doesn't seem disstressed, just acting very different.
Some does go off feed the day before kindling so that is ok, The times I have seen labor, it looked like what you are describing.Sounds like it's only a matter of time now!! :p
She seems to be doing a great job so far, scarfed down her food and is just calm as can be. She's a first timer so we shall see how it all goes - I have no foster since I didn't plan this breeding, so I'll just keep my fingers crossed.

Got one of my NZWs to breed today too so it looks like Friday the 13th is a good day in our rabbitry! Might have to change our name to something witht he number 13. ;)
Congratulations! Mine have a swollen purple vent in the last part of pregnancy, too. I was greeted with 10 more kits this morning. Happy Friday the 13th to you!

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