Does not building nests

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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2014
Reaction score
Bjelovar, Croatia
Hello everybunny. Yetserday morning we found out that Erna, our 7 months old doe kindeled. She is a first time mum and we didn't expect her to delivere just yet, but she did 30 days after first date with buck. We use closed type litterboxes, so we had no idea of the nest she build. She didn't pull any fur the day before, but yesterday, and it's all over the place, which means she probably didn't build the nest right. We didn't look inside the nestbox for about a week (well, my parents are like: They will smell like you and she will kill them). She pulled one of her babies out (dead). From what I could see over the wall of nestbox, kits (I counted 4 + the dead one) are not covered. This morning, when I checked, Erna's sister, Kreja, also delivered. Again, no signs of fur what so ever. I did sneak a peak into the nestbox and there is about 5, possibly 4-6 kits, but only covered with straw and hay. No dead babies of this litter yet. Sivka, Erna's and Kreja's mum, also lost her first litter due the bad nest building. What should we do?
Too early in the morning for me to think straight but just off the top of my head I'd say if its a first time mom to give her another chance or some people give 2 more chances to do it right. I'm not sure what a closed type litter box is. Also, you don't have to worry about the mom not taking care of the babies because you put your hand in there. That may hold true for wild rabbits but domesticated rabbits don't have the same psychology. Maybe someone who is more awake than me will be able to give a better answer. Sorry you lost the kits though :(
Don't worry about handling the babies or messing with the nests if they're really shoddy, but be prepared for the doe to wreck your work if you make her nest "nicer" for her. They're still in the window of time where they could start pulling fur and working on the nest, so don't write them off yet. Can you reach the fur that got pulled all over the place and put it in with the babies? The doe won't mind, they're used to things moving around in the nest, since they only see the babies about five minutes a day.

I had a maiden doe who didn't get it AT ALL, did everything wrong, no nest, couldn't care less, and her instincts only kicked in after she first nursed. They might not nurse for a full 48 hours, so you still have a day to watch and see how it goes. Good luck!
You can pull fur from the doe's belly and flanks- it will pull out fairly easily since they just kindled. Add that to the nests so the kits will be able to stay warm. It will also help to bring her milk in.

The does will not kill the kits because they smell like you. Your scent is all over her cage, the hay and bedding you put in the nest, her food, etc. Some does (especially first timers) may be a little nervous about you going into their nestbox, so just in case give her a tasty treat to keep her distracted. Parsley or a small piece of apple or carrot work great.

You want to remove any uneaten placentas or dead kits when you check.

They will both probably do better next time. Some does just don't get all the steps right the first time or two.

Good luck with the babies! :good-luck:
On the wild rabbit cottontail if you find a nest of kits you can pick them up and look at them and put them back in the nest. Cottontail rabbit do not care about smell, my granddaughter find nest in high grass and mess with babies every day rabbit come feed them morning and night like clock work.
Thank you all for help. I know it's fine to handle babies, it's just my parents who freak out about anything that I read on "THE EVIL INTERNET". Ah, parents... :)
When I got back from school, first this was to check on does and it seems everything is comming right into the place. Seems like Kreja built a pretty fine nest, covered her babies with fur, and Erna did collect fur from around the cage and put it in the litter box. Also, I did my second check, once does were bussy eating, and seems like Erna has 6 and Kreja has 8, which for two fisrt timers is a great outcome I guess.

@mystang98; This is what I would call "closed nestbox": basically a wooden boy that can only be accesed through one missing "wall" unlike those topless ones.