Does bred to buck with no testicles

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Well-known member
Aug 15, 2012
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
Well he might have them, but I can't see them. Didn't think to check until it was suggested, and by then I breed him to a few does.
Should I try rebreeding them to another (proven but different breed) buck or wait and palpate? How slim is the chance they are prego? Is there zero chance, and therefore OK to rebreed?
Do you know the history of this buck? Could he be neutered?

If you know he's not neutered, did he do the classic "fall off" routine?

If he's not neutered, and he did fall off, I'd say they should be pregnant... just by a buck who keeps his jewels pulled in. :lol:
I've never seen my bucks testicles, and he's done two litters for me now of 8 and 7. So he's obviously fertile! He keeps them tucked inside.
How old is the Buck now?
I have seen judges when trying
to give a young Buck a chance:
drop the Buck to the table from a short distance,
This will usually allow.cause the testicles to drop
when the Buck is holding them up into the cavity.
They sometimes hold them up in extremely colder weather.
Your Buck may have all his tools after all!
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer:
Have you tried just looking through the floor wire, or taking a peek when he is resting?

My bucks let it all hang out when they are relaxed. :roll:
MamaSheepdog":29ugga9j said:
Have you tried just looking through the floor wire, or taking a peek when he is resting?

My bucks let it all hang out when they are relaxed. :roll:

This is how I found out my "doe" was a buck, lol. Just don't get peed on :twisted:
So far nobody has gotten pregnant. This is his second run this year, last year we tried but he could've been too young.


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