Doe being odd

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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2015
Reaction score
Everett, WA
So my Cinna doe had some cage time with my Cinna buck about 3 weeks ago and again a few days ago. Both times I didn't see her lift but the buck did the dramatic fall off to the side that usually means he finished. The first time I noticed a few wet patches on her back end but not much, she went in the following day as well and again didn't lift (I had to lift her at one point) but no wet patches that time, but the buck still did his fall off. Now while I put in the nest box this weekend, she just keeps eating the hay I use in the box; however she does it in a really weird way. She will hop into the box, make a haystache, hop out, stick it in the corner near where she uses the restroom, does that a few times then eats it.

She has also already shed her winter coat but now the hair at her sides and dewlap pulls out freely where it didn't last week. When I palpate her I can't feel anything but she wiggles around a lot and I don't want to hurt her or the kits.

She is in a hutch directly next to my neutered pet lop mix, it seems they have bonded. When I open their doors she will walk into his hutch and get a grooming from him and vice versa. She will also let him come into her cage and they groom each other there as well. I have done nothing to force or stop this as I have been advised that it might not be a wise idea to bond them together. After grooming he will try to mount her; although he usually goes for her side or face, at which point I separate them.

I am so confused with this doe. Help?
Her acting pregnant but emptying the nest box, being stubborn with my intact buck and amazingly friendly with my un-intact buck. I am incredibly new to breeding rabbits and terribly confused
It seems like everything is pretty normal for three weeks along....or maybe not pregnant. :razz:

Rabbits are just individuals who do things at their own pace. :D

You will want to watch her VERY close when she due, just in case she decides to build a nest on the wire instead of in the box. Others have bedded or lined the entire cage, so that a beginner doe couldn't possibly make a mistake.
When I am under the assumption/impression that she has had a few litters, so no worries there. Her previous owners were 4h members that have their own Cinnamon projects. Her due date is (if I wrote it down right) within the next few days. Today should be the 27th day. She didn't have a "house" in the hutch yet hence the nest box going in sooner then 30th day. Could that be part of the confusion?
Some does just don't build their final nest until right before they have them. I mean like, 20 minutes before. Others will build a nest a week in advance and not touch it until they are ready. Others will build in advance and then forget it was a nest and eat the hay...

I had one build a nest and pull hair on day 30...then...nothing. :shock: No blood, no kits, no anything.

Even if she's had litters for others, you are going to want to be careful with her until she's proven for you. I think does can sometimes get pretty mixed up from just having their owners and homes changed.

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