Do you track....

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Staff member
Dec 26, 2009
Reaction score
near London, Ontario
Oddities in your rabbits.

I track eye issues and tooth problems.
Just a note in my records to say tooth problem in one kit, culled or a notation of Nestbox eye in three sable point kits...sold to pet market or culled (if particularly bad).

I have tracked in the polish peanuts (as it's just a box I check off).

BUT I have not tracked other oddities...

aka.... today I had a kit born with webbed back feet. 1/2 the size of it's litter mates. I have not had this before so it is a genuine oddity.

SHOULD I track it or just mark it off as a stillborn or something? is it worth tracking you think?
Would be worth noting just because it's so odd.
I haven't had any teeth issues and had one case of nestbox eye. Had a note in the mating section back when I had kintraks working. All were dinner.
If other issues show, of any kind, I'll put the note in with the litter/mating section.
How could you tell it had webbed feet? Mine normally have toes formed but no real separation I guess.

I keep track of everything. I would note that there was a wonky baby in the litter. Can't hurt.
the back feet were joined together at the bottom. It was actually quite an odd kit. Half the size of siblings, curled up with back legs mostly separated but webbed together at the tips. I had to look hard to see if it was a peanut ...but a peanut would make no sense since this was off a meat doe. I've NEVER had a problem with meat kits so this was just odd. I've had kits 1/3 smaller but not half the size and curved like was just odd. Sorry no pics, I just went...oh...odd kit...let's look at this carefully and then just tossed it.
Sounds like a case of 'arrested developement'-- either it stoped growing, or somhow was concieved MUCH later than its littermates. even our babies have webbed feet and hands at a specific embryonic stage...
not weird at all. I want to see it too. I'm kind of harsh with my buns. I mark down weird things, and cull does. one doe lost a kits at two weeks, now she's the one with the gunky eye kits. bred her again and I will see what's what.
no I didn't.
should have.
Tossed it in the compost and the local crows found it really quickly too....carried it into the horse field... *they do that with dead mice too*
I've had kits born with cleft palates and one that looked like it was half formed, but I don't keep track of it ... I will if it starts happening more often.

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