Do you tattoo?

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May 11, 2015
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Just curious if you do or don't and why?

If you do, what do you use? Clamp or pen? What is your number/letter system?

Trying to decide if I should invest in some form of a tattoo kit - my kids want to show eventually (4H) so I know I will need to by then, but for now? Not sure if it's necessary, yk?

I am contemplating doing an H for Heritage and then roman numerals as they have litters... I don't know though.
All breeding stock is tattooed with a clamp style double-letter, double-number
tattoo set. With over 40 does and necessary bucks, I've absolutely got
to keep track of their lineage.

I believe it to be most important to tattoo.
How would you know one from the other especially if they are all the same color/Breed?
I used the Sire and Dams first letter and a number.
Choose a system that is easiest for you.
When it comes to your Herd, you are the BOSS!
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer:
All my meat rabbits get a tattoo around 4 weeks of their birth date A for Jan, B for Feb etc.. And the day so I can keep track of litters since they are grown out in a colony and usually are all chinchilla coloured :mrgreen:

If I keep them as replacement stock or sell them as breeders I add to the tattoo

I don't normally tattoo my Mini Lops as I can easily tell them apart and only have a few litters a year.

I use an EZ tatt pen tattoo
Interesting! So even the ones destined for the table get tattooed? That's what I couldn't decide - if it was worth the time and energy. I can see it being very important in a colony setting... makes sense!

I don't *plan* on a huge operation (ha!) but if I can get a good market going, who knows what the future might hold! I hope to have 1 buck and 3 does of really good, quality stock. We'll see if I get there. I currently can tell the difference between my 3 NZW does mainly b/c each has it's own issue :down:
I show my rabbits, so they HAVE to be tattooed.

I started with a clamp, but ink penetration was very hit and miss for me, and I also did not like the way the dots spread further apart as the rabbit grows, making the letters/numerals less legible. I now use a pen, and love it. It is easy to touch up a tattoo if necessary.

My system is buck's initial, doe's initial, ranking of kit in litter by weight, month, year. So TW134 is out of Take2 and Willow, was the largest kit in the litter, born in March of 2014. I always make sure that I only have one animal of each sex (per breed) that has a name starting with a particular letter at any given time.

When I tattoo a litter, I will give at least one of them the full tattoo and just mark the rest with the initials of the buck and doe and (sometimes) ranking in the litter. That way I can mix litters in the growout pens separated by sex and still know who's who. Once I decide who is a "keeper" I add the rest of the tattoo.
So you prefer the pen? I have read such hit or miss reviews on each I can't decide. I did see a guy in a youtube video tattoo himself with a pen when the rabbit flinched which I can totally see myself doing :shock: But some of the clamp ones were sketchy as well (one guy squeezed as hard as he could and couldn't get the poor things ear off!)
heritage":3t0dbxi6 said:
So you prefer the pen?

Hands down. :)

The pen offers a lot more versatility- you are not limited by the letters and numbers that you have available. For instance, with my system, what if I had a litter born in May? I would need three fives this year, or get creative and substitute the Roman numeral V (which, by the way, is what I use anyway since sometimes a 5 is mistaken for an S).

The really crucial factor though, is the ability to touch up a tattoo if necessary, which is impossible when using the clamp style. Tattoos tend to fade, even when using good ink, plus sometimes when the skin flakes off of a fresh (week or so) tattoo, it takes a lot of the ink with it and needs to be gone over again.

heritage":3t0dbxi6 said:
I have read such hit or miss reviews on each I can't decide.

One very important thing is to use good ink. The stuff that comes with the kits is usually junk. I use Kuro-Sumi black outlining ink.

heritage":3t0dbxi6 said:
I did see a guy in a youtube video tattoo himself with a pen when the rabbit flinched which I can totally see myself doing :shock:

Good reflexes are important. ;) Once you are experienced with the pen the rabbits will usually just sit on your lap while you do them. Very rarely do I ever need to restrain a rabbit with anything other than my arm and the hand holding the ear.

heritage":3t0dbxi6 said:
But some of the clamp ones were sketchy as well (one guy squeezed as hard as he could and couldn't get the poor things ear off!)

Yep- been there, done that. Peeling the ear off of the needles can be tricky.

The thing that always scared me was the possibility of the ear getting torn if the rabbit bolted. End of show career right there! Not to mention the trauma to the rabbit. :x
I tattoo every rabbit when it is weaned. I use a clamp style device. You have to clamp down hard to ensure all characters penetrate / pierce the skin and then apply human-grade tattoo ink. The stuff they sell at the rabbit supply places does not work as well.

I've seen folks use the pens. It sure looks nice when they're done. (But I don't think they'll come tattoo my rabbits for me.) I've gone with the clamp because I can't imagine my rabbits sitting there calmly while I try to scratch something illegible in their ear. And I just don't think anyone would be able to read it after I was finished. I've been okay with the end results...the rabbits I've kept as breeding stock still have decent tattoos even two and three years later. I don't show so even if it's faded a little, that's no big deal for my breeders.

As they are tattooed, each rabbit is weighed...and then weighed again every week. This is how I track growth rates of litters and individual animals. I've yet to figure out how to keep track of rabbits and weights without the tattoos. After a few weeks, all REW's tend to look alike to me.

The "number" for each animal is unique - that allows me to mix litters after tattooing. Usually put bucks together and does together until they're old enough they need to be separated.

My clamp allows for a maximum of five characters.
-> First character is for the year. Right now, 2015 is the letter "O". Next year I'd need to use the "O" is around 25 years from now. I'm pretty sure most of the rabbits born this year will be hoppin' around Heaven by then. (I expect I'll be gone by then, too.)
-> Next three characters is for the litter number. 1 through 999. Since I usually have fewer than 99 litters in a year, I only use two digits - but I can go to three if necessary. I track litters on a spreadsheet - so the year and litter number will give me all the info on that specific litter: dam, sire, dates, etc.
-> Last character is for the rabbit itself. A through Z - which will allow for up to 26 kits in a litter.

When I tattoo, setting up the clamp is easy. As I move through the litter, all I have to change is the letter for each rabbit. When I change to the next litter, I just have to change the number - usually just the one digit, increasing by one. I'm usually weaning / tattooing three or four litters at a time. As I tattoo each rabbit, I sex it and add any other notes for that rabbit.

I keep track of who each rabbit is sold to. When that customer comes back and wants another rabbit, it makes it easy for me to get them an animal either from the same line or from a different line. As they give me feedback on how a rabbit is doing, I can make note of that and then see how it relates to the rest of the litter.

Over time, as the rabbits are in the grow pens, they actually get used to having me reach in and look at their ear number. I have a printout of my litter spreadsheet and a copy of the week weights on a clipboard. I kinda hate having to print updated copies so often but it's just too damp/dirty/dusty/rabbit hair/etc. in the bunny barn for me to keep a computer out there. And I don't do smart phones or tablets. (My family would argue that if the computer were out there, I'd never come in the house!)

Okay, enough already. Hopefully you found my lengthy answer of some help.
I traded a Mini Rex doe for a Rabbi-Tatt2 pen. I really like it. It works really well. The first thing I used it for was I touched up my mini lop's faded tattoo (made by pen). She barely moved. When I tattooed my herd sire Thumper, he did move a bit (his tattoo is Thump, because by the time I had gotten to "E", he was done. There's kind of a permanent smudgy "E" at the end, but who cares? I'm not showing him lol and it was my first time actually tattooing a rabbit. On Tuesday I tattooed a friends litter and they barely moved either. It was really easy.

I haven't used it yet, but my system is:

First letter of Dam's name

First letter of gender

Birth month (1-9 and then A-C... January is 1, December is C)
Birth day (1-9, A-V)

Rank in Litter (actually, more like the order in which I tattooed them :lol: )

So FD5M1 would be Fat Girl, Doe, May 22, 1 (either rank in litter of the order in which I tattooed)
Thanks for the run down on your system, SH! It sounds wonderfully logical and easy to follow (once you get the hang of it, I am sure it's easy to implement as well).

I called a lady about some NZW does today (might be my new breeders to replace my iffy ones now) and she has a tattoo pen she bought but never used. I am contemplating buying it from her... it's a start at least, and if I buy it cheap enough isn't a huge investment if I don't like it. I think I personally would do better with a clamp, but you never know. I have some OCD tendencies (that are getting worse as I get older, ugh) and am thinking I would dislike handwritten tattoos, but... you never know.
Here's a tattoo the other day that I did with the Rabbi-Tatt2 pen. It's a bit smudged by the L but it should wear off soon. It was one of the babies I tattooed for a friend.


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Well, looks like I will be starting with a pen! And a whole new set of breeders! :shock: :lol: I was wanting to replace mine anyway, and called a lady on CL since her pictures showed a pretty clean set up with beautiful rabbits (not sure what they would be like in a show, but I like the looks of them - even DH commented on how pretty they were when he looked at the pictures). She offered me a deal I couldn't refuse for 4 hutches, 5 rabbits, and a tattoo pen set. She's getting out of breeding and felt that I was a good match for her herd :up: (she's gotten responses from some pretty sketchy people evidently). And hopefully starting with tamer rabbits will make the whole process that much easier.

Sooo... going to be ordering some of the good ink (I am assuming the little bottle she has with it is the not-so-good stuff). What else will I need? I read that a layer of something like petroleum jelly helps it glide better. <br /><br /> -- Thu May 14, 2015 9:28 pm -- <br /><br />
Bandits Bunny Farm":36teuvml said:
Here's a tattoo the other day that I did with the Rabbi-Tatt2 pen. It's a bit smudged by the L but it should wear off soon. It was one of the babies I tattooed for a friend.
Very nice!

There's not a set size for the letters/numbers, is there? As long as it's legible?
heritage":2l2swc9y said:
Bandits Bunny Farm":2l2swc9y said:
Here's a tattoo the other day that I did with the Rabbi-Tatt2 pen. It's a bit smudged by the L but it should wear off soon. It was one of the babies I tattooed for a friend.
Very nice!

There's not a set size for the letters/numbers, is there? As long as it's legible?

Thank you!

Nope, as long as it's legible. But only do it in the bigger space of skin underneath the big vein. Doing it there is really easy. The way I hold them, I just set them on my lap, and I grab their head in my left had and support the ear with my pointer and middle fingers, with my middle finger on the back where I will be writing.

I actually went a bit too big on the 3. I think what happened was that the bunny flinched and made me let go of the ear, so when I went to finish it I accidentally made it too big. Oh well, practice makes perfect
It doesn't look like it. Is the thing that looks like a button the inkwell? You know, where you put the ink in to dip the pen in? Mine is a little black cup. It kinda looks like what a dentist uses when he brushes your teeth with the rubber brush and the grainy toothpaste. The KBTatt and the Rabbi-Tatt2 pens I think are almost exactly the same.
SuburbanHomesteader":246ek1ud said:
My clamp allows for a maximum of five characters.
-> First character is for the year. Right now, 2015 is the letter "O". Next year I'd need to use the "O" is around 25 years from now. I'm pretty sure most of the rabbits born this year will be hoppin' around Heaven by then. (I expect I'll be gone by then, too.)
-> Next three characters is for the litter number. 1 through 999. Since I usually have fewer than 99 litters in a year, I only use two digits - but I can go to three if necessary. I track litters on a spreadsheet - so the year and litter number will give me all the info on that specific litter: dam, sire, dates, etc.
-> Last character is for the rabbit itself. A through Z - which will allow for up to 26 kits in a litter.

What kind of information do you include on your spreadsheet and how is it laid out? I am wanting to set something up, but seeing I am pretty new to this whole process I am trying to figure out what to keep track of and how to do it! Do you do pedigrees as well?
Bandits Bunny Farm":1ih459ah said:
Is the thing that looks like a button the inkwell?

That is the ink well holder. There is a little ziploc bag with a couple of the wells in it.

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