Do I breed one more time?

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Well-known member
Feb 3, 2014
Reaction score
Upper Peninsula, Michigan.
Bred doe on Friday to a first time buck. He never grunted/fell off and she laid still for him but never seemed to lift.

Tried helping out on Saturday by lifting her bum/tail but buck was unimpressed. Again, he worked hard at the situation but no grunting/falling off.

Now do I just wait 30 days and hope a miracle happened or do I try again tonight? I will look at her vulva color today for curiosity's sake but hadn't looked at it prior. The people local to me have already given all the help they can (their advice seems to be very basic) and the previous owner has been as helpful from 8 hrs away as she can.

She's a doe that has successfully had several litters with a previous owner.

Also, on Saturday I noticed he did a lot of licking around her hind end and also chewing/pulling her fur. Is this behavior acceptable?

Thanks for any advice you may have.
Zass":2m1sb5tq said:
I'd go ahead and try again.

His behavior sounds pretty normal so long as the fur he was pulling was from her neck and back.

Yes it was.

So do I try until I get a fall off? Any tips to help this out?
Unless she lifts, it will be next to impossible for him to get her bred. He needs to fall off (dramatically, not just gracefully dismount) and then you will know she is bred.

Lifting looks like this...


Which should be followed by this...


...which will be followed by him crashing to the floor of the cage. :mrgreen:
With my favorite buck I could reach between the two and pull her tail out of the way. He didn't mind my help at all :p

You might try holding the front of the doe, with a hand over her eyes. Dunno why, but some does just seem to feel more secure that way.
Well I just helped out my friend with her Flemish yesterday to get her doe bred. That girl would plant her bottom on the wire or table and NOT lift at all. I ended up putting my hand underneath her, making it appear to be 2 fingers and a thumb sticking out, to push up her back end till he could be successful. I hooked my thumb against the front of her leg near her hip joint and having my fingers spread apart (two to each side) as wide as I could I rotated her hips back and up as much as I could.
Thanks for all the suggestions! I'll try again tonight. Reading this gives me confidence but when it's happening I feel soooo foolish! Wish us luck!

Oh and my biggest concern is that somehow she did get bred… would breeding 3 days in a row cause a problem?
3 days no, either she will take or she won't. Its a gamble. If it was like 3 weeks, I'd say try to palpate and then if feel nothing try to breed again. I have some very err happy does, doesn't matter how far along they are they will breed and its never hurt them...I could've sworn the one did not have a single kit and had 5. She carried them very high up.
Found a couple of videos that may help you on your journey:
Every time I see my rabbits breeding..Under the Sea theme plays in my head!


On the bed breeding:
Just out of curiosity, and you probably don't know the answer, but in the third video (just the picture for the video) it appears that the person is breeding a Mini Lop to a Flemish Giant... why would somebody do something like that?
Well I tried before I saw the videos… (will watch them shortly).

Anyway, he tries for the first 5-10 min and then he sort of lays with her/eats her fur/etc etc/etc. I finally took him out after 30ish minutes when he was digging at her and she was like "please. just stop already."

I did check her vulva and it wasn't white but it wasn't the dark red like the thread at the top of this page shows.

So now what? Wait 2 weeks, palpate and hope I feel something? Or assume she wasn't bred as I did check her vulva after and it didn't appear that there had been any baby juice deposited.

She's quite a bit larger than he is, and I don't know if that matters. He also got irritated if he noticed me lifting her bum (although I did successfully get it lifted twice, he didn't manage to close the deal).

Feeling really frustrated.
You could try taking the Doe to the Buck for up to four days in a row,
within that time frame she should get bred.
Each time before you bring her to be bred, you should look to see what is going on with her genitals. She should be bright red to purple in color, and swollen rather than shriveled.
Breeding should take place within five minutes or less. Allow the Buck to service her
at least twice at this meeting. Once you have seen the breeding take place, mark 28 days from that breed date to install a nestbox. Good luck, I hope all goes well.
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer:
I have two doe's and one breeding age buck. one day I left them all out to run around the living room together. next thing I know he is on one of them humping her and then he dramatically fell off. She had 8 healthy babies 30 days later. the other female he couldn't catch. I think a week later with no luck on breeding the other one I just put her in his cage and left her there. I think she was in there with him a full week. she is getting bigger and starting to want to nest. so I put a nesting box in with her. but her sister's babies are just under a week old. I know she is pregnant by how big she has gotten. unfortunately have at least a weeks window before she is due. She is nesting put not fur pulling yet.
Brass":aijek9rj said:
he tries for the first 5-10 min and then he sort of lays with her/eats her fur/etc etc/etc. I finally took him out after 30ish minutes when he was digging at her and she was like "please. just stop already."

I did check her vulva and it wasn't white but it wasn't the dark red like the thread at the top of this page shows.

Judging by your description of her color and behavior she wasn't ready. All of the attention from the buck may get her in the mood... but that is a job best left to an experienced buck in my opinion.

I'm sure there is no harm done, but I always like to make it easy for a first time buck by giving him a seasoned doe or an eager maiden so he has an easy victory his first time. If he doesn't get the job done in a couple of minutes because she wont cooperate I take her away so he doesn't get frustrated and try with another doe or wait until another day.
ottersatin":1stzo6qb said:
You could try taking the Doe to the Buck for up to four days in a row,
within that time frame she should get bred.
Each time before you bring her to be bred, you should look to see what is going on with her genitals. She should be bright red to purple in color, and swollen rather than shriveled.
Breeding should take place within five minutes or less. Allow the Buck to service her
at least twice at this meeting. Once you have seen the breeding take place, mark 28 days from that breed date to install a nestbox. Good luck, I hope all goes well.
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer:

Ok I'll try again tonight IF and ONLY IF her bum looks ready to go. If it is still pale and not swollen, should I just not bother to try?

These first 3 days have been unsuccessful as far as actual correct aiming, etc, she's not lifting etc. So I don't believe a successful breeding took place but I suppose I could be wrong. <br /><br /> -- Mon Jun 30, 2014 5:50 am -- <br /><br />
MamaSheepdog":1stzo6qb said:
Judging by your description of her color and behavior she wasn't ready. All of the attention from the buck may get her in the mood... but that is a job best left to an experienced buck in my opinion.

I'm sure there is no harm done, but I always like to make it easy for a first time buck by giving him a seasoned doe or an eager maiden so he has an easy victory his first time. If he doesn't get the job done in a couple of minutes because she wont cooperate I take her away so he doesn't get frustrated and try with another doe or wait until another day.

Well she's a seasoned doe, but yes you're right she obviously wasn't ready. I don't have another doe to try.

My newest question is: If her color isn't receptive should I wait and try on a day when it is? Or has "breeding" 3 days in a row skewered that plan? I don't think he was at all successful but I can't be certain. I do know there was no falling off as I was present the whole time.
Keep track of your dates just in case but I'd check her colour before trying again. Raspberry tea or ACV in her water sometimes help. I have pretty good results with packing my does up and taking them for a ride.

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