Do bucks ever randomly...well...

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Well-known member
May 15, 2013
Reaction score
Rockford, IL
Randomly ejaculate? :oops:

I was checking my new guys over, and one of the lops had an extended member and what appeared to be semen on his fur.

I'm a little confused. Is this acceptable behavior or is something amiss?
I think it is probably more common than you might think. Sometimes I will see a buck with an extended penis with no lovely ladies in sight... myself excepted. ;)

At the ranch that I AI for, there is one donkey that self ejaculates regularly, and another that doesn't. The advantage is that the one that self ejaculates clears out the dead and dying sperm in the vas deferens (the ducts from the testes to the penis)so the percentage of motile sperm is greater.

I wouldn't worry about it. :)
OK. That's what I initially thought. But while contemplating tossing a Playboy into his cage, I wondered if rabbit teenagers are actually like human teenagers. =)
I have a buck that mounts a frozen water bottle every time I put one in his pen.
I guess you could say he is having a freezing good time.
The fun part of male animals. One of my male ball pythons had a weird looking poo, when I had a better look it was just sperm plugs on top... Snakes have 2 penis's so there where 2 plugs.
LOL, my male rabbit humps everything.

I had a chinchilla in my store that I used to have once that would "self pleasure".

Male animals are funny and amazing creatures!
I have a Holland Lop that we call Mr. Loveable. He is very easily stimulated and will try to hump anything. We often give him a stuffed animal to have his way with. If I pet one of the does and then pet him he will try to mount my hand. He is also a very loving and affectionate rabbit, hence his name (which used to be cocoa). He will hump your knee, foot whatever he can. I could do without his humping but otherwise he is just a sweetheart. He has sired one litter in our Lion Lop project and the babies are/were all very affectionate.
Miss M":xu960rk3 said:
I remember Bad Habit mentioning having a buck she caught humping air, and he had his penis out and everything.

Still have him! Snow does that all the time. I hear the cage start rattling and there he is, going to beat the band. I have found wet spots on him as well, after one of his... exercise routines. I don't know if it actually semen, or if it is simply from his long fur getting caught up in his member. I will admit to it being a pain in the rear, because I feel the need to check him very regularly to make sure he isn't getting his hair wrapped around it. That would be just awful for both him and myself, having the circulation cut off to his wiener, and me not checking regularly enough and it turning black and falling off.

I do find he is more likely to do it when one of the does is receptive and he can smell her. I usually use it as a reminder to check if anyone needs bred, or if it is time to breed anyone.
Other day I found mystery stuff :shock: on the back of the rabbit I've got running loose; he's always hanging out under the other bucks' cages, so I just tried not to think about it. lol
I used to have a tortoise I let run around my house. Herman fell in love with my haven't lived until you've stepped in tortoise goo! :eek:
AmysMacdog":3pa2ip9x said:
I used to have a tortoise I let run around my house. Herman fell in love with my haven't lived until you've stepped in tortoise goo! :eek:

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