Difference in feed for a pet vs. show vs. breeding bunnies ?

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Pet diets are usually lower in protein, 12-15% usually, and have all sorts of sugary dried bits mixed in. Diets for show/breeding animals are usually 16-18% protein since they are working harder and deal with more stress than pets do. Raising litters and having strangers handle them in a strange place takes energy that a pet diet wouldn't provide.
I think, breeding animals also require more calcium, and does nursing larger litters sometimes benefit from added fats.
Active breeding bucks can expend a lot of energy, but it's mostly the does and growing kits who need the higher protein and extra nutrition.

I'm sure there are more vitamins and minerals pregnant or nursing animals use more of, but, I think, they are less critical.

I like to offer a salt and mineral black and more fresh greens to my pregnant girls to help keep things in balance, even if I have to source them from grocery stores in winter.
I can buy dandelions, parsley, or cilantro locally and those are among my favorite rabbit treats..

They don't NEED anything more than the pellets, but..I tend to think dietary diversity and fresh foods are healthy.
3mina":683u74g6 said:
Pet diets are usually lower in protein, 12-15% usually, and have all sorts of sugary dried bits mixed in. Diets for show/breeding animals are usually 16-18% protein since they are working harder and deal with more stress than pets do. Raising litters and having strangers handle them in a strange place takes energy that a pet diet wouldn't provide.
No, pet food for rabbits shouldn't have sugary dried bits in it (like fruit).

Show rabbits can have things added to their feed, like flax oil, to help with coat quality especially before a show.

But no feed should have sugary things in it, pet or show or breeding.
I guess I'm just baffled why anyone would want to give their pet a "lesser" food - I'd rather see our bun (when we get one) eat the healthiest, best food we can reasonably afford.

If that means using a "show" formula, so be it. Doing what research I can, with what little understanding I have so far, the Martin Mills food looks really good - and it doesn't seem like we have many of the foods here that I've seen talked about.

I do understand why a breeding doe would need extra / different nutrients - just as humans do :D That makes perfect sense !
It is not a "lesser" food but a less nutrient dense food and is MUCH healthier for a pet rabbits lifestyle

You would not feed puppy chow to a lazy couch potato dog or a senior or weight control diet to a young growing puppy. Thoroughbred horses that are racing will be given a higher calorie and fat diet than horses that are just riden on the weekends

The vast majority of pet rabbits should be on a low protein and high fibre food to live long and healthy lives

Show rabbits will eventually become breeding rabbits once their show career is over, bucks will be put on a maintenance diet with less fat and does will use the extra fat and calories and protein to grow kits and milk.

Pet rabbits also tend to get a heck of a lot more "junk food" (Cheerios, yogurt drops, other human foods) and treats (fruits and veggies) than rabbits in a show and/or breeding barn so they really need their base diet to be lower in calories and higher in fibre
Okay, you make great points Dood.

Just from reading comments (not necessarily here, but overall) that make it sound like "pet" is a rather disparaging term for both the rabbit, the food - even the owners of "pet" rabbits :(
Eh? I have two pet rabbits.

Mucky (with the lovebird) and her son, Sushi.(on my lap) :love:

Pet bunnies can be wonderful.

I'll just be honest and say that pet buyers often drive me nuts. :roll:

I won't go into the entire list as to why but,
my personal pet peeve is people who have never owned a rabbit but think one would make a great cuddly pet for a band of shrieking toddlers.


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HOWsMom, you are the best sort of pet owner there is.

It's obvious, because you are here researching everything you can about rabbits before making any decisions.

If everyone was like you, no one would ever get annoyed by pet buyers!!!
I cannot imagine bringing a living creature into my home without doing my best to ensure it can live as good a life as a captive pet can.
I grew up with cats, researched the heck out of dogs before getting one - as well as for my fish and our degus.