Did I just get my first positive palpation?!

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Jun 14, 2015
Reaction score
Fairmount, Illinois
I bred Cloudy for the first time since she had her litter 6 weeks ago. By my count today is day 10. I gave her a quick feel over yesterday, and did feel too small lumps right where her uterus is located. Unsure if it was poop, or kits I palpated again a few hours later thinking. If it's poop it will pass, or be moved further along. I palpated her, and the lumps were still there, and had not moved any. I left her alone for the night, and repeat the process this morning, and once more I do feel the same lumps, same place. Nothing is different.

So did I just get my first positive palpation? I plan to palpate at lease once a day until day 14 to monitor any changes.
The embryos will be "squishy" whereas the bunny berries will feel hard.

Try palpating a buck. With luck, he will have poop in his intestines so you can find out what that feels like. When you feel an embryo when palpating a doe the contrast will be obvious.
Yay more babies!!! Can't wait to palpate Luna! <br /><br /> -- Fri Jan 15, 2016 10:26 am -- <br /><br /> Just palpated Cloudy again, and without a believe she is pregnant. I just felt 2 grape like lumps in her uterus. Not at all berry like.

So for now I am going to puff out my chest, and say that I can now palpate!

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