My BEW Holland Lop kindled 5 kits on the 25th, no external injuries, lots of fur pulled. On the 27th, I found one dead in the nestbox near the opening rather than nestled further down with the others. On the 29th I found two more dead with the remaining 2 living. One of the surviving kits is definitely fed, the other is smaller and looking unfed. I've never had this happen with such a small litter before. My meat rabbits which might have a litter of 12 it's normal to lose a couple even when spreading them out, but losing 3 out of 5 after a few days? Does anyone have a guess as to what is happening? Is she likely not producing enough milk, or not feeding long enough, or are the kits maybe getting lost in the nest box? She's raised two litters previously of 2 and 3 kits, but she's had one die each time (so 3 and 4 kits previously). She's on 16% Bluebonnet feed - next time, I will put her on the 18% feed to hopefully help boost her milk production.
I'm really bummed, I was excited about her litter of 5.
I'm really bummed, I was excited about her litter of 5.