critter barn

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Well-known member
Jan 27, 2015
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Well, I wanted to build a new rabbit barn this year, but now, I think I have a better idea.
I have a 20 by 22 foot garage, that will never have a car in it. It holds my tools, mowers, chainsaws, log splitter, and anything else that needs to be put "somewhere" at any given time.
My current bunny barn is a small lean-to type shed I built onto the back of the garage.
What I am thinking now is, build a wall about 10 foot from the back wall and basicly, cut the garage in half.
The wall will form a 10 foot by 20 foot room. Use that room as a rabbit barn. There is a window that sits in the wall of the garage and goes into the rabbit shed, so I can take it out and put a door there.
I can keep most of my meat rabbits in the shed area, then put all of the mini lops in the new room.
The added use for this room will be chickens. I am starting a new project of incubating and hatching out baby chicks of 4 different breeds. In a 10x20 foot room with about 10-12 rabbits, and a couple chick brooding boxes with heat lamps, it should stay well above freezing in there, so no more frozen water bottles. If needed, I could add a small electric heater, but I really don't think it would be needed.
Yeah, I would still have to worry about frozen bottles in the lean-to area, but changing out 5 or 6 bottles three times a day is better than changing out 20.
I understand that, about the dust, but I didn't think it would be bad since the chicks I'm dealing with would all be young, as in under two weeks old and in plywood boxes.
If kept clean, (as I always do anyway), do you still think it would be harmful?
Oh. In that case it outta be fine. I must've misread t. LOL I thought you meant like putting the rabbits in the chicken layers in the same area.
Oh, no. The layers stay out in the coop and individual breeding pens. Only the incubator and newly hatched chicks would be inside.
Once the chicks start feathering out (2-3 weeks), they would go to a bigger brooder in the chicken coop. Unless they are sold by then.
As I am raising chicks in my guest room, I can tell you, the little ones produce a LOT of dust. I keep pine shavings in the bottom of their totes, but sheesh, the dust.

Would it be enough to bother the rabbits? Honestly, I am not sure.
Yeah, I know they can produce dust, I raise a lot every year.
If it turns out too be too much, I can always put up another wall and keep the critters in different rooms.
I would be concerned about the dust issue. The most chicks I have ever raised at a time is maybe 10, and they produced amazing amounts of dust. I assume you will have at least quadruple that at a time.

DBA":2d9q63cw said:
If it turns out too be too much, I can always put up another wall and keep the critters in different rooms.

Maybe just partition it off with visqueen or a tarp or something? If that doesn't work, then go to the expense of an actual wall?
With tall solid sides and mesh lid I did not notice much dust with my chicks. I deal with an extremely larger amount of dust from the rabbits on pine pellets. I've had to get dust masks when cleaning the dust around them.