corn stalks and sunflower seed stem?

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Well-known member
May 16, 2013
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I have some very dry sunflower stems and corn stalks. Can I cut these up in to pieces (2-3 in) and give them to the rabbits. I was just something to keep them from being bored.
The corn and sunflower stalks are fine in themselves, if you are sure there was no mould on them before they dried.

Chunks of branches from safe trees such as poplar (Populus spp.), willow (Salix spp.), apple, pear, mulberry etc. work well as toys/chew sticks as well.
During the growing season, I give my rabbits the sunflower leaves that are tattered or have been partially eaten by bugs. At the end of the season, I cut all of them down and chop the plants up for the buns. They enjoy all parts dried as winter treats. :)
Is the entire sunflower plant safe to eat? I've got quite a collection of little plants going, not sure if it will even make it to the flowering stage. Can they eat the blossoms as well?
they eat the entire thing, but they tend to leave behind the heads (bloomed or not). they will nibble on any mature seeds in the heads though.