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I recently posted a thread about one of my does having had her 1st litter on the wire (lost all of them). It was her first litter so I didn't think too much of it. She is now carrying her second litter and they are due this Friday. This is my favorite little doe (chestnut agouti Lionhead) bred to my favorite little buck (black banded Dwarf Hotot) and I reallllllly don't want to lose another litter. At the same time I don't want bad mamas who I have to give unnecessary TLC to in order for them to carry a litter.

Her mom is one of our best breeders and I'm hoping (and guessing) her 1st litter was a fluke. She did try making them a nest on the wire so that shows she has instinct. I think she was just confused. As we get closer to the due date I have considered moving her to a solid bottom cage in hopes that if she doesn't have them in the nest box at least we won't lose the babies. Should I try this out or leave her be in her wire cage?

Thank guys :)
