Color possibilities

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Well-known member
Mar 18, 2014
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NE Newyork
I bred a dark chinchilla doe to tort buck... she had 8 kits, all look dark, some have light bellies... any ideas as to what it could be (I'll wait a few days till they have fur for pics)

Anyone done this cross before and have pics?
Probably chestnuts. If any don't have white they are probably black. Other colors are possible but those are the most likely.
I crossed a chinchilla buck with a tort doe and got both chinchillas and chestnuts in the same litters. They looked very similar until fur started coming in, born with dark skin and pink/white markings around the noses, pink/white inside the ears - but the chinchillas had darker bellies than the chestnuts. By the time the coats started coming in, the chestnuts were darker looking all over and at a week old you could see the tan showing through the black on the chestnuts. (I also ended up with a couple REW in each of those pairings because both my buck and doe had REW in their lines.)

I don't have newborn pics :( This pic is the chins and chestnuts at 8 days old:
Looks like i got a few blacks and chestnuts from one litter, and all chestnuts from the other litter... i cant post pics i guess... I lost one fat hestnut when it got dragged out of the nest and fell out the cage and got baked in the sun, one black doeling was not being fed and despite trying to feed her she died, and another black kit dissapeared
The ones that have grey heads are Chins. The ones with the brown heads are probably chestnut... when they have white bellies, theyre agouti colored. I have a Black Chinchilla Mini Lop doe and a Broken Black Steel Mini Lop buck. When I breed them I always get black Chins. They are black with white bellies when they're born <br /><br /> -- Mon Jun 23, 2014 8:38 am -- <br /><br /> It won't let me post a picture, but Click Here to See the Black Chin babies

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