Colony nest watch

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Active member
Jan 17, 2012
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IMAG0163 (800x451).jpgIt has been about a month since we started this colony with an American trio. Today the nestboxes went in & the buck got crated. We will probably hang him up in a cage in there when the kits start to move about, but will have to make a urine diverter to do so.

I am very excited about this setup & can't wait to see the results hop around!
Wishing you luck on the upcoming kindling. Really nice set up. Knew about colonies, but never really saw them until I came here to Rabbit Talk. Hope you keep posting about how it's going. Really interesting and I truly like to read and study other ways of raising rabbits. Just my way.

Wishing your does easy deliveries and lots of healthy kits.

Good news: The first doe kindled in nestbox - 4 kits, on 10/4. Doe #2 kindled in same box, managed to get 3 of her 4 kits in along with her hair. It was easy to tell what happened because the rew doe had white hair/pink kits, & the blue doe all blue.
Bad news: Immediate rat attack during daytime hours while at work. Lost 2 out of 4 pink kits & the other 2 have substantial bruising & bite injuries. 2 out of 3 blue kits have more minor bite injuries. I cleaned them up & fostered them to 2 different does in cages - not sure either pink kit will survive, but the one in photo is super strong.
It was horrific to find & really sad. Moments like this, I feel like I have failed the rabbits in my promises to them of a good, healthy, safe life.

We feed pellets in the morning & greens/hay only at night to help with rats. We do have a cat, and do trap, but rats continue to be an issue. I am very reluctant to poison, as we have a hawk & owl population on the farm that I do not want to damage or kill with residuals. My research on rat poisons (that I have used in years past, with success), has shown these same chemicals are being found in alarming levels in birds of prey now, much like ddt was in decades past.

Super frustrating.

I am currently building new doe cages for our other breeding stock that will be rat-proof (hopefully) by design, but would love a colony option that is not so intense & expensive to build.
Oh, the poor little popples! How awful. :(

The repeating bucket traps seem like a good way to go- they are mentioned in the thread I gave the link to in your other post.

I know some people locally that have had success with a plain old bucket partially filled with water, and no other bait, but it is very dry here. The rats and mice try to reach the water and ultimately fall in and drown. Depending on your region and the availability of water sources they may or may not work.