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Jun 21, 2013
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Help, My DD's Thrianta rabbit seemed perfectly healthy then was found limp, unable to even hold up her head. She passed in my DD's lap. She was very thin. This came on quickly, she wasn't that thin even a few days ago when I held them all. She was in with her 3 other litter mates and now another of them is looking off. There are no other visible symptoms. No nasal issues, no diarrhea...These are her favorite buns, she was planning on taking them to fair with her 4-H group next month. What could it be? We've scoured the Rabbit talk pages and all her books...and are still not sure what to do. They are in a all wire cages that she keeps very clean, lots of free choice timothy hay, pellets and natural grain mix, both water bottle and crock and she feeds greens (grass, blackberries, and grapes) everyday. She wants to get them on mostly natural feed. Any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated!

Sounds like it might be. :( I lost a doe to coccidiosis...she suddenly lost condition and got very weak, and couldn't use her back legs properly.

Someone with more experience than I have would know better though.

Very sorry though, really sucks to lose a good rabbit. :(
I'm so sorry for your DD. Thats so sad.
I use Corid 9.6% oral solution (avaible at feedstores or on line at Jeffers livestock supply) for coccidia. Use 1 teaspoon per gallon of water as their water source for five days but they must be drinking good. If one of the bunnies is not doing well you may have to use a dropper to get some in to him. Also their may be a dose that can be given directly, hopefully someone will chime in on this soon, I've never done that with Corid. You could check on the Corid website and see.
If you use the Corid its used at the rate given 5 days on, 5 days off then 5 days on.
Hope this helps. :)
Just got back from the farm store and they had Durvet, sulfadimethoxine for chicken, turkeys, and cattle. The research I did said it was ok to use the same treatment as for chickens. Thank you both for a quick response :) I hope this works!