Well-known member
How does that work out? This is the oddest litter I've had to date as far as color goes. I'm 99.9% sure the one kit is a blue or lilac himi, too young and points are still too light to tell for sure but there are points. I purposely bred a chocolate tri color (tri color, red, lynx, and harlequin background) and broken castor (castor, broken castor, rew, and broken black background) to better the type/fur on my tri colors with expectations of broken/solid ambers, castor, blacks, and very slight chance of chocolates and rews. The rest of the litter is rew or least looks to be rew at this point as no points and broken castor. The last litter the broken castor doe had was castor, broken castor, black, and broken black but was a different buck. The tri color buck has not produced a himi (or martinized) kit otherwise but has produced some torted tri colors.