Chicken with broken neck??

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Well-known member
Oct 29, 2013
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Sorry, not a rabbit but want help.

So today I went out to the chicken coop and decided to hang with my birdy friends. I saw the Orpington on the ground but didn't think much of it until I saw her puffed up and getting stepped on!!! I brought her inside after seeing that she couldn't lift her head. She seems otherwise fine. A bit weak, but alert and I got her to drink water (just set her beak in it). She can stand and wobbly walk but can't lift her head! If she try's she looks to be in pain and can only get it an inch or so off the ground.

Anyone ever had a hen break their neck? If so, did they survive? This is not our hen but we're watching her for them and I'd like to return all the birds!! :( I already am dealing with respitory infections (thankfully clearing up) but now this bird does this!
They'll live until they get picked off by a predator, loose the will to live from bullying or starve to death as they cannot eat properly.

As children we successfully fixed one of our pet hens who had a broken neck but she became a house pet for 2 months and was babied by 5 kids 24/7
Dood":ryprvvr9 said:
They'll live until they get picked off by a predator, loose the will to live from bullying or starve to death as they cannot eat properly.

As children we successfully fixed one of our pet hens who had a broken neck but she became a house pet for 2 months and was babied by 5 kids 24/7

This bird isn't ours. We're caring for them during the winter. I kept a rooster inside all winter, very aware of what it takes and how obnoxious it can be. Luckily this is a hen.

Did you brace her neck or? I'm going to hand feed her. She's currently living in my room. Blech.

Her owners own kids but I'm not sure if they'll want her. I've kinda gotten attached to her so I'm fine with a house bird.
We used the middle of paper towel roll to brace her neck, it was cut length wise to make it a narrower tube and cut to an appropriate length. We used a thick sock next to her feathers and curdled it around the bottom and top edge of the roll so the cardboard wouldn't rub her collar too much and then rolls of gauze to maintain the shape and wrapped around her wings so she couldn't shake it off.

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