Chestnut or Chocolate Chestnut Netherland Dwarf??

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Well-known member
Mar 28, 2011
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Just curious if anyone can help tell me what I have here... Chestnuts, or Chocolate Chestnuts.... or Chocolate carrying chestnuts (Will I EVER get genetics?!?!!)
Mom was Blue with Chocolate and Black parents.... and the Dad was Chocolate with Black parents......







No idea! But what cuties- great pics. I especially like the last one "Okay, I'm done here. Exit stage right!"
He looks like a black based chestnut, with the "possibility" of it being chocolate based. However his parents could not have been blue and chocolate as selfs are recessive to agouti... there is no way two selfs could produce a chestnut! :)
What a cute little fellow!

I agree with Lauren about the breeding and about the color both. I have a kit from a NZW X NZR litter right now that is a lot like that. I am positive there is no chocolate in the ped, but this kit is much lighter than the others. Here is a pic for comparison:


Best of luck!

Aww.... Crud! I was wrong.... lol SOOOO sorry... It was from a Broken Orange Doe and a Chocolate buck....<br /><br />__________ Sat Feb 18, 2012 8:45 pm __________<br /><br />By the way, there is two different rabbits there... the first two pics are Midget, and the last 3 are Whisper... The Broken Orange doe was their mother and she had Black and Broken Orange parents.... The dad was Chocolate with black parents... in the litter was these two does, a black buck and a broken black buck....

I am just trying to figure out what these little rugrats are called as far as color.... These are my first chestnuts..
I have a chocolate chestnut buck,i put him on the show table(its not a showable color)only one judge knew what color it was.Im trying too remember if hes on my website.http:/ i think that first picture is not a chocolate chestnut.

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